High-dose test = panic/anxiety attacks???!!!

my workout partner has every form of anxiety and OCD so me and him have talked with hundreds of doctors and physicians and the only time anxiety can manifest is post cycle if not a good post cycle therapy (pct) is bein done due to the harmones fluxing gear actually helps anxiety

Well, with all due respect, I'm here to tell you otherwise. I noticed the onset of gyno the same day I posted, and upped my anti-e. I'm still trying to get the gyno 100% in check (think I'm progressing), but the anxiety never returned. I have read about this happening, and it seems logical, with the gyno timing, that it was excess estrogen. My gear is UGL, so who really knows what its strength is? I may not have been using enough adex. And, not to be rude, but I seriously doubt you have talked to 'hundreds of doctors and physicians' about this.
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