High E 2.5 weeks into cycle


New member
I'm 2.5 weeks into cycle, been dosing aromasin 12.5mg per day for 3.5 weeks from superior peptide. Got bloods yesterday and my est came back: Estradiol 88.3 HIGH 7.6-42.6 pg/mL

Don't buy from them.

Taking 300mg test cyp e3d and 40mg dbol ed. Will be acquiring pharma aromasin
Interesting....should have gone with the board sponsor but even then I would much rather pick up something like adex or letro as they are much more likely to be g2g. For that dose of test and ai you were taking you should be a lot lower for estradiol.
I'm 2.5 weeks into cycle, been dosing aromasin 12.5mg per day for 3.5 weeks from superior peptide. Got bloods yesterday and my est came back: Estradiol 88.3 HIGH 7.6-42.6 pg/mL

Don't buy from them.

Taking 300mg test cyp e3d and 40mg dbol ed. Will be acquiring pharma aromasin

that e2 level isn't THAAAAT bad considering what you're taking. I remember when I was on 500mg/week test and 30mg dbol/day my e2 levels shot up to 122 or something. For me personally, i don't notice sides from e2 until they get around 100 or above.