high prolactin levels sides and effects

Lactation, serious ED, feeling unhappy, low testosterone, possibly gyno in the presence of high E2... and probably more that I can't remember right now.
If you can get a progesterone test done what would the ranges be for a male?

And is it worth getting done or just going by symptoms?
Running npp 200mg/week with my trt for joints and haven't noticed any sides but I did go a bit floppy after a bit today but could of been lack of interest...
Wonder whether to test prolactin or just leave it be for now?
Have caber on hand
High Prolactin will not necessarily make you floppy, but will effect you inability to ejaculate as was said. At my age (64) Deca been a great help for my arthritic joints.
Deca and test have been great for me.
Not being able to ejaculate or maintain an erection are the big ones.
this, and i start acting real "bitchy". like a girl when she's pregnant. its like having high e2 levels only worse i think.

think about you're fucking a girl, and you wanna bust SO bad because 1- you're fucking a girl and 2- you're on tren or nandrolone, and you physically cannot. do you know how aggravating that is?
I'm having Gyno problems even when taking doctor prescribed letrozole everyday, and a whole pill at that.
I'm not getting E2 crash either. I had my entire hormone panel blood work done. And they are mailing it all to me. So confused on why in the hell IM still having knots forming and advancing.
Lmao oh yea. Didn't need a doc to diagnose it as Gyno. Feels and looks like a quarter up my right nipple.

If you are already consulting with a doc, why not get it examined? It could be other things. And given that you are not on a cycle currently it doesn't make sense that you are getting gyno now. You are done with puberty, correct?
I'm on trt now. I'm 26. I've had it look at with a ultra sound and the whole nine yards. It's Gyno bad.

did you ever figure it out mate? sounds like you have a high aromatisation ... were you fat as a kid? do you notice you need more AI the higher your bodyfat??
this, and i start acting real "bitchy". like a girl when she's pregnant. its like having high e2 levels only worse i think.

think about you're fucking a girl, and you wanna bust SO bad because 1- you're fucking a girl and 2- you're on tren or nandrolone, and you physically cannot. do you know how aggravating that is?

Yes, but think about how awesome fucking is when E2 and prolactin are properly dialed in and controled on a tren/ mast cycle. It's like discovering pussy for the first time again. It's the want and need to totally obliterate every pussy within a 5 km radius. It's the best.
Yes, but think about how awesome fucking is when E2 and prolactin are properly dialed in and controled on a tren/ mast cycle. It's like discovering pussy for the first time again. It's the want and need to totally obliterate every pussy within a 5 km radius. It's the best.

I know i necro this thread...
But I have to agree with both you and NotGill...

I "forgot" AI for my first cycle and ran test/tren/masteron and at the end I couldnt cum no matter what... It was amazing for a few days then it started messing with me mentally...
Said it before...but fuck viagra...give us a "high prolactin temporary raising-pill" lol :P