How do I Gert Started?


New member
49 years old

havent worked out in awhile

just wanna stay healthy and toned

strength and endurance more than looks

any advice on starting and diet and supplements would be appreciated
Well I might get flamed for this one but oh well its just my .02

I recommend a new beginner to go pick up the book called "body for life" The reason I like it is because its the only book Ive ever read that address the "mental" issue of getting in shape.

Most people who are new to the gym and want to get in shape dont realize that getting in shape and being healthy is more of a mental change than anything - working out and eating right is only part of the puzzle. I think the book tackles and address the mental issue the best.

It also has a great beginners workout program which teaches the basics which are what everyone needs to get down first and feel comfortable with the first few months they are in the gym ...
as far as diet goes its not about cutting calories or any specific type of food severely. its about changing how you eat forever. which means you dont have to do anything crazy you just need a good diet. we all know whats bad and good for us by now.