how does one find these ingredients?



Obviously i am not looking for your sources but if any of you know a way to get the shit legally...Is it illegal to have possesion of these chemicals in their raw non compounded form?
If they're illegal in liquid form, they're illegal in thier "raw non compounded form." There are no short cuts to the law. The only exceptions are Tren and Prop kits. Good luck.
traveler97 said:
If they're illegal in liquid form, they're illegal in thier "raw non compounded form." There are no short cuts to the law. The only exceptions are Tren and Prop kits. Good luck.
So when u guys are talking about getting powders and such, they can't be obtained legally via internet?? How bout pellets?? Y is Tren the exception?? I don't know jack shit about this but am curious.
Finaplix, synovex, componentTH etc etc are made for cattle. You know that meat you just ate, its probably off a cow that was on more juice than you are. Long story short these farmers dont want to go through shit just to juice up thier cattle and make more money off of them. Its legal because of polotics, lobbying, $$$ and more $$$. Those 4 things determine every law we have here in the US guys.

Powders are illegal, oils are illegal, and fina/syno is still grey market.
What DougoeFre5h said is the absolute truth. To get anything other than finaplix, synovex, componentTH you will have to find "other means." If you're halfway intelligent and very sneaky you can find it all on your own. Better do a source check before sending money. However, don't expect anyone to tell you how to find stuff. Good luck.
traveler97 said:
What DougoeFre5h said is the absolute truth. To get anything other than finaplix, synovex, componentTH you will have to find "other means." If you're halfway intelligent and very sneaky you can find it all on your own. Better do a source check before sending money. However, don't expect anyone to tell you how to find stuff. Good luck.
didn't ask for sources. Thanks guys.
sorry but after giving even the smallest advice, especially in the chem forum, some guys will come out and ask in a PM. I've had it done more than once after posting on the chem form. And I don't mean from the guys I'm responding to in a message. I see you've got 600 posts, you know better but others don't. I read alot but almost never post, that's why 34 posts. Its not personal or directed at you, Joshbeam1.
Good luck
traveler97 said:
sorry but after giving even the smallest advice, especially in the chem forum, some guys will come out and ask in a PM. I've had it done more than once after posting on the chem form. And I don't mean from the guys I'm responding to in a message. I see you've got 600 posts, you know better but others don't. I read alot but almost never post, that's why 34 posts. Its not personal or directed at you, Joshbeam1.
Good luck
Gotcha travler. Thanks for clearing things up.