How does this low fat/carb diet sound to you?


DEATH to "The Club Boys"!
This is just a diet to get ripped, not to gain muscle.

Protein intake would be from Whey Protein powders mixed in water.
Solid food intake wood consist of raw / steamed veggies (mostly) and fruits.
Additional solid intake and additional fat intake would come from cheese, nuts and seeds (also for added nutrition).

I would take a fat loss aid, and a multi mineral / vitamin and extra magnesium / C / glutamine / calcium

I know this is a boring diet, but do you think it could be beneficial?
what are your current stats..height/bedyweight?
do you workout? (have to ask)
are you vegetarian? do you not eat meat? eggs?
Id like to see more complex carbs such as old fashioned oatmeal, sweet potatoes, beans/legumes, bran.
what sort of fruit? it should be kept limited to 1-2 small servings daily.
Id also add in better EFA sources such as flaxseed oil, olive oil, fatty fish and/or fish oil caps, natural peanut butter, hempseed oil, Udo's oil. etc.
lets not forget the importance of water!! :)