how long do peps stay good


New member
I have had some peps in the fridge for about a year now. MGF, GHRP, IGF, HGH frag and was wondering if they are any good?
Gropep is the company that invented IGF-1 and I refer to there website often for research. You can read more here at GroPep Bioreagents: Biotech Reagents

Below is an insert from there website in particular to storage of peptides you may find informational or informative to your question.

General Precautions:

* Avoid peptide concentrations of less than 1 mg/ml in the absence of carrier protein

* Avoid freeze-thaw cycles

Stability / Storage: Peptides in the lyophilized state should be stored at 2-4° C and are stable for at least 2 years, or 6 months at room temperature¹.

Handling Procedure: GroPep Bioreagents IGF peptides are supplied as lyophilized preparations in glass vials in an atmosphere of nitrogen at a slight vacuum (-25 kPa). To avoid losses care should be taken to equilibrate this vacuum when opening the vial and reconstituting the peptide.

Reconstitution and Stock Solutions: The peptide should be reconstituted in 10 mM HCl at a concentration of 1 mg/ml. In this form it is stable for at least 3 months at -20° C or -80° C¹. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Thanks for the awesome post osta, will be making an order with you here shortly to get what I need to finish of what I currently have. Appreciate your help
Hi, I really would really appreciate any wisdom or guidance on this issue.

About 15 months ago I ordered 5 vials of l3 IGF-1 powder and 15 MT2, and stored them at room temperature for the first 12 months. After reading that it should be stored in the freezer, I did..after a year at room temp.

I have seen the study posted here on Steroidology, which says it retains potency for 2 years at room temperature and so on & have also seen many posts which suggest it must be refrigerated/frozen or it will degrade in weeks or few months. Here is where it gets confusing for me: I used 1 vial of igf1, when I first got it and noticed ravenous hunger, tighter skin/slightly lower body fat, nearly immediately. About a year later, I started on my 2nd vial and *nothing* has happened after dozens of injections.

I emailed the company I ordered from and asked about potency and they responded:
"MT2 is good for about a month outside of a freezer environment and IGF about 3/4 that time. The worst that happened is the peptide degraded to the point that it doesn't work"

Now I don't know whether to throw out the large stockpile of peptides I have because of my personal experience and what I have read. At the same time I read many posts of those saying they stored at room temp for many months and it still worked. Most of the vials have not been reconstituted also. I am tempted to blow a bunch of money and order it all again & freeze immediately, but there are even posts that say freezing it destroys it because of freeze/thaw cycles in the fridge..would refrigeration be ok? There is so much conflicting information on this, despite this peptide being out for nearly a decade.

I would really appreciate feedback from you! Thanks