How long do you guys REALLY take off ?...


I am banned!
I know everyone does proper PCT now days, and I know the recommended amount of time off(days on + pct). I know we aim to stay off as long as possible but as you guys know you get very anxious to start again and it usually wins over.

So my question is how long do you guys actually take off?
And do you come off absolutely EVERYTHING, OR do you run hcg/hgh, etc.?
I blast/cruise.

However, if I was cycling I would probably stick to short ester cycles consisting of Test/NPP/Mast/Dbol and hCG run throughout and following the time on+PCT rule (which would be 2-3 months in that case).

Some guys start right up after finishing PCT, IMO the minimum time should be atleast a month after finishing PCT but optimal is again timeoff+PCT.
....for not having pct available or knowing what it was I was on for like 7 yrs 75 percent of the time competing in college then off for 14 yr s working for da gubment now on trt for life with blasts every now and again.
When I was younger and didn't really pct I didn't stay off for proper amount of time. Then I didn't use for like 10 years cause my life was out of control. Back at it now for bout 5 years I've taken the proper amount off between cycles. Don't let this become an addiction my friend. Do it the right way or you'll be sorry later in life. I'm now in my mid 40s and am about to start trt after this next cycle.
Also short ester cycles mean quicker results, less total duration and means you can easily squeeze another one or two cycles per year that way. Downside? More pinning and will cost a little bit more but worth it if you don't like being on for that long.
I have always been cycles of not more than 10 weeks of duration, and do about two cycles per year (for me it is enough)
with minimum 3/4 months take off starting after the last day of pct.
In take off time absolutely no drug, just food and supplements.
Also short ester cycles mean quicker results, less total duration and means you can easily squeeze another one or two cycles per year that way. Downside? More pinning and will cost a little bit more but worth it if you don't like being on for that long.

Ya im with Staunched. I blast and cruise as well. But, if I didnt itd be 8 week cycles with moderate to high doses of multiple short esters then PCT. But just the though if PCT makes me cringe lol. Damn clomid.
This isnt a hijack or anythign but Didnt Arnold go continuously on primo/deca/dianabol with the bridge method never completely comming off from 16years old thrulike 35??
I'm on TRT+, so I never come off really. I do try to space blasts out a bit, but I'm not going to lie and pretend that I haven't run two blasts only a couple weeks apart. The big difference being that my HPTA is already fucked, so as long as everything comes back good on a blood test, I'm golden. (not counting joint/connective tissues, I do pay them mind)

My .02c :)
This isnt a hijack or anythign but Didnt Arnold go continuously on primo/deca/dianabol with the bridge method never completely comming off from 16years old thrulike 35??

I know it was common to cruise, or as it was called back then bridging, on as little as 10mg dbol. Ofcourse back then when you took 10mg of Dbol you were getting 10mg of Dbol, not 5mg of methyltest. The other oral apparently used for bridging was Anavar and I have heard people I know doing this as their cruise, but I can't see that working well for the mood. Dbol at 10mg per day and nothing else could be done as it is not an excessive dose and aromatises so you have both a test and estrogen replacement anyway. As such they marketted it as 10mg per day as TRT or more commonly known back then as Androgen Replacement.
I'm 48 and blast and cruise... at times have taken long periods off
and can always bring my test levels back to normal when needed.

But I naturally have had pretty high testosterone levels... I didn't start using gear until I was
43-44 and had my testosterone come in at 726 before using gear.

LOL - my doctor wouldn't give me test with that number... so that's when I found Ology. :D
@Repo - so by the looks of that post, are you self administering TRT....or cruise dose? And is your cruise dose a normal cruise dose (175-200 pw) or something north of that? Just curious my man
I cycle once a year usually right b4 summer, but it's definitely getting harder to recover. I might plan a winter cycle this year will c how it goes.