How long do you wait to work out after pre-work out meal?


New member
This is for cutting. Im just wondering what you guys do, how long do you wait after consuming your pre work out meal to go to the gym and lift?

Also what is your pre and post work out meal when cutting?
preworkout is usually a shake, with some waximaize, and some supps..I'll wait about 30 minutes to start workout is the same...I'll have 50g protein as soon as I get home.
right now im doing 30 mins cardio pwo so i bring my shake which is 50g pro 30g carbs with me and drink it right after cardio. when im not cutting i just make a shake when i get home, which is like 30 mins.
This is for cutting. Im just wondering what you guys do, how long do you wait after consuming your pre work out meal to go to the gym and lift?

Also what is your pre and post work out meal when cutting?

I believe that around 45 minutes would be a good wait time before you start working out, I usually eat about an hour or maybe hour 15 minutes. Waxy maize is a good choice pre or post-workout. Im cutting right now, but i prefere a weight gainer for my PWO shake for the carbs and pro, i just only use about half the serving size depending on the calorie range i am trying to stay in.
I workout approx 20-45 minutes after I eat. I have no problems with that.

I eat approx 5-30 minutes after I workout.

Preworkout is always quite big. Example....banana and oatmeal, fish oils and Udo's oil and an egg and 10 whites.

Post workout....shake and rice cakes.
I believe that around 45 minutes would be a good wait time before you start working out, I usually eat about an hour or maybe hour 15 minutes. Waxy maize is a good choice pre or post-workout. Im cutting right now, but i prefere a weight gainer for my PWO shake for the carbs and pro, i just only use about half the serving size depending on the calorie range i am trying to stay in.

I also use weight gainer for PWO only half the serving though and it works for me
commercial weightgainers has got to be one of the biggest rip offs ever. you pay alot for them to add sugar wich costs almost nothing. I ussually add a bit of dextrose and it works good.
does the time you spend on cardio after weight training cut into that "window" you have to replenish the muscles you trained? i'm always debating whether to continue with my cardio or hurry home to eat...i'm trying to cut, but not loose what i've worked so hard to gain.
If you train for a long time then it might be a good idea to drink some carb or even a carb/pro mix. but normally you can't lose such an amount of muscle in 30-60 min that it really makes a difference.

If you eat well the rest of the day then it shouldn't be a problem.
does the time you spend on cardio after weight training cut into that "window" you have to replenish the muscles you trained?
Miss Muscle...thanks for the tip, i will try that next time. i work out later in the evening, so im always limited on time...and damn, is that frustrating trying to fit everything in.