how many carbs to bulk?

mass rookie

New member
how many carbs do you need to bulk to go along with 5000cals and 300grms of protein? 170lbs 24 and 5'8'' will be using test cyp 500mg wk 1-12, EQ 400mg wk 2-11, dbol 30mg wk 1-6 .

At your current size 5000kcal/day will probably add a considerable amount of fat. If that is ok with you try taking in 600 grams of carbs.
300gm protein=1200kcal (24%)
600gm carbs= 2400kcal (48%)
130gm fat= approx 1200kcal (24%)
Thats roughly what you are looking at. If you notice fat build up cut back a little on the carbs.