How many Eggs too many in a day/week?


Test E, Deca, DBOL!
Vegetarian here. I eat dairy and eggs however. Cholesterol is very good, perfect actually. Trying to incorporate more eggs into my diet as too much lactose has been giving me bloat. I eat 4 raw egg whites in the am, and 4 whole hardboiled eggs for meal number 4.

Anyone have experience with this? any studies showing how much is too much per day/per week?

any suggestions welcome.
from what ive read your good to go with a few whole eggs a day. i make sure the inside of the yolks stay raw as to not destroy the enzymes in them. but i always have more white than yolks. my ratio is 2 whole & 6 whites. but your liver will decide what kind of cholesterol it becomes. as long as u stay active you really wont need to worry about high cholesterol. unless you have had high cholesterol in the past or family history of it. do keep your doc informed of your diet even if he doesnt agree with it. (he wont agree with you eating whole eggs daily no matter how many studies keep saying they r healthy)
i have eaten as many as 12 a day for months on end and no issues. Its just another form of protien and fat. Indulge if thats whats works for your diet.