How many mg of fishoil per day?


New member
As above, going to purchase 500 x 1000mg fishoil capsules, trying to decide how many to take a day,

Ive been told to take 7 capsules a day, so thats 7000mg a day, which is roughly 7g fat, do you think this is enough?

Im 200lbs, your thoughts?
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I've been taking 12+ caps a day (1000mg each) spread out with meals. I've seen some board members who take even more. My thought is that 10grams/day is a good bet.

volatile said:
As above, going to purchase 500 x 1000mg fishoil capsules, trying to decide how many to take a day,

Ive been told to take 7 capsules a day, so thats 7000mg a day, which is roughly 7g fat, do you think this is enough?

Im 200lbs, your thoughts?
It is probably adequate and to be honest I haven't even been taking my fish oil (trying to start back though). OTOH, a few more might be slightly better.

My advice is to purchase enteric coated fish oil capsules. I purchased 1,000 non-enteric coated capsules last time (because I'm so damn cheap) and I regret it.

I buy for as they seen to have good quality and good prices (you can find 70% off coupons through google). You don't want fish oil capsules that have PCBs and other toxins (fish tend to have lots of these bad things). At least one site tested Puritan's product as being good and clean, although I don't know the assay precision. SWALE recommends that only Carlson's fish oil be purchased and used (it is apparently definitely doesn't even really come from fish!). But again, I'm so damned cheap....