How many protein shakes a day


Big Cahunas
are you supposed to have and how frequently do you take them?

Never really taken any before so I need help.
Nope never in shakes just in foods from tuna, eggs and so on.

Im trying something different now as I have reached a point where I am not getting bigger. Hence the shakes Im still hesitant to juice tho. Any ideas? Should I just keep it to post workout or during the day I should take some shakes?
You don't need shakes as long as you are getting adequate amounts of protein from your diet. The benifits from shakes are a higher quality source of protein that is easily absorbed by your body. This is why you want whey protein post w/o. I have three shakes a day. One with breakfast, post w/o and right before I hit the sheets.
Thanks. Thats what I been doing.

I just cant seem to get any bigger. Maybe I should try eating smaller meals more times a day instead of 3 large meals a day.
That is key. You need constant levels of nutrients flowing through your body to facilitate optimal growth and development of your body's muscle tissue. Keep your body in an anabolic state.
including more frequent smaller feedings woud defintly help, and depending on how much your actually eating at your 3 now, it may now be enough to grow.
protein powders are only there for the convience, when you cant get real food, and of course post workout.
I normally have two shakes a day. If I can eat whole foods, I'll opt for whole foods over the shakes but sometimes the shakes are far more convenient. :)
I have one straight after my workout and for about the last 3 weeks I've been having one just before hitting the sack - seems to be working as I've put on about 6 pounds during that time (my brother reckons it's fat but I keep telling him it's pure muscle :p )
I can see how you are having trouble getting bigger. It's hard to get enough protein and calories without any help from protein supplements. If you want to get bigger, the only way to do it is to add more calories.