how much Men produce Test a week naturaly


New member
i read that if u take 125mg or less ur natural test levels is higher then that
and if u take 250MG a week u have the same amout naturaly
this is true?!

ur body produce 250mg of test a week?!

Lol, everyone's different man. I doubt many guys out there ever had the equivalent of 250/week coursing through their viens naturally.

I'm guessing that was probably advice given as feedback on someone's shitty planned cycle of 250/week test only.
I'm sure it's much lower... I've seen 7-8mg per day given as the usual figure. No ester and pulsatile.

120mg currently puts me (185 lbs or so) at TT 931 and FT 24.8 (over range).
Most will be way over on 250mg per week.

It really varies of course.
I d like a definitive answer...I thought it was like 100-220 a week but I do not remember how or where I got that figure ???!!!
I'd like to start my saying this is just a broad example and this will vary from person to person, but from all the accounts I've seen with trt patients, 100mg test cyp a week puts most around 500ng/dL Total Test, which is probably around where a lot of people over 35 stand naturally. We'll call 500ng/dL an average natural T level for men 35-50. So let's say 100mg a week will give you average test levels. Divide 100mg by 7 and that's how many mg worth of test the average person produces a day. About 14mg.

***this is a ROUGH average based on several accounts I've seen and can vary greatly from person to person. This was just for general reference.
I'd like to start my saying this is just a broad example and this will vary from person to person, but from all the accounts I've seen with trt patients, 100mg test cyp a week puts most around 500ng/dL Total Test, which is probably around where a lot of people over 35 stand naturally. We'll call 500ng/dL an average natural T level for men 35-50. So let's say 100mg a week will give you average test levels. Divide 100mg by 7 and that's how many mg worth of test the average person produces a day. About 14mg.

***this is a ROUGH average based on several accounts I've seen and can vary greatly from person to person. This was just for general reference.

There are two things that bring this down: the ester mass component of the 100mg, and the fact that testosterone levels aren't naturally constant around the clock, but peak in the morning.
I'm sure it's much lower... I've seen 7-8mg per day given as the usual figure. No ester and pulsatile.

120mg currently puts me (185 lbs or so) at TT 931 and FT 24.8 (over range).
Most will be way over on 250mg per week.

It really varies of course.

Unless you're "lucky" like me. I'm very jealous of the doses you guys can get by on. :(

FYI: 250mg puts me around 1090ng/dL.
Is it really 100-200mg a week? I always thought it was between 50-100 Max. Maybe a few might be a tad bit higher, but I just can't imagine the average guy produces 200mg a week??