How to make Winny suspended in Water easily!


I am banned!
(From: Praetorian @

Take 1 g Winstrol (winny) powder add to vial
Add 2.5 ml PEG400 to vial
Add 1 ml BA to vial
Heat until it goes into solution (becomes clear liquid)
Withdraw clear liquid from vial with syringe and filter using .45 filter into new sterile vial.
Add 15.5ml bacteriostatic or sterile water into vial slowly (drop by drop).
This will bring the Winstrol (winny) out of solution and micronize it...swirl gently until all cloudy(most important part)
Now put stopper on vial and shake vigorously.
Let cool and shake again...cap and you have 50mg /ml pure(sterile) micronized Winstrol (winny) suspension in water.
Drveejay11 said:
(From: Praetorian @

Take 1 g Winstrol (winny) powder add to vial
Add 2.5 ml PEG400 to vial
Add 1 ml BA to vial
Heat until it goes into solution (becomes clear liquid)
Withdraw clear liquid from vial with syringe and filter using .45 filter into new sterile vial.
Add 15.5ml bacteriostatic or sterile water into vial slowly (drop by drop).
This will bring the Winstrol (winny) out of solution and micronize it...swirl gently until all cloudy(most important part)
Now put stopper on vial and shake vigorously.
Let cool and shake again...cap and you have 50mg /ml pure(sterile) micronized Winstrol (winny) suspension in water.

That is the hookup Doc. Praetorian actually posted that in our never-ending Winstrol (winny) in water thread.

One thing though, we have actually found (thanks to DougE) that the drip-drip drip BS is not necessary at all. I have made about 100ccs like this for inject and it works like a charm in a 25g pin.
RJH8541 said:
Praetorian actually posted that in our never-ending Winstrol (winny) in water thread.

I know.....that's why I put ""By Praetorian from BeyondMass"" ;)

RJH8541 said:
One thing though, we have actually found (thanks to DougE) that the drip-drip drip BS is not necessary at all. I have made about 100ccs like this for inject and it works like a charm in a 25g pin.

Please elaborate.
Drveejay11 said:
I know.....that's why I put ""By Praetorian from BeyondMass"" ;)

Please elaborate.

Well, Praetorian suggested that the drip-drip was what micronized the suspension. But you had to drip in the Bac water verrrrrrrry slowly, which PB and I did btw and it worked great. Well, DougE wanted to make an oral batch of Winstrol (winny) I believe and he was making like 100cc, which of course he did not want to drip in that much BAc water. So, he just blasted it in there and shook like hell, and WALAAH!! Success.

After he did that, I did it with a new 20cc batch and it micronized and suspended just fine.

Hope that all made sense, maybe DougE can elaborate
RJH8541 said:
Well, Praetorian suggested that the drip-drip was what micronized the suspension. But you had to drip in the Bac water verrrrrrrry slowly, which PB and I did btw and it worked great. Well, DougE wanted to make an oral batch of Winstrol (winny) I believe and he was making like 100cc, which of course he did not want to drip in that much BAc water. So, he just blasted it in there and shook like hell, and WALAAH!! Success.

After he did that, I did it with a new 20cc batch and it micronized and suspended just fine.

Hope that all made sense, maybe DougE can elaborate

that is a beautiful thing. somebody should revive that old Winstrol (winny) thread.
Yep, the drip drip isnt necessary at all. RJH explained it pretty well. I just got impatient and squirted the bac water in there as fast as possible. After its all in, give her a little shake and you have the same result as you would have gotten if you dripped it in for hours.
i think that post was porn laden as well. any of them that last over two days normally are. too much test