how to store pt-141

Keep it in the freezers until you reconstitute the peptide, then just keep them in the refrigerator.
dont keep it in the freezer..just keep it in the fridge

I put mine in the freezer until I am ready to reconstitute them. But I guess I cant make others do the same. The reason I do it that way is because that's what ive read and so far, no complaints.

I guess if you buy a small number of vials at a time you can get away with storing in the fridge...
I keep in freezer before reconstitution. With some peptides, i preload the slinnies then freeze them and use as needed. I've been doing this for years and it does not degrade the peptide.
If yor freezer does not have a freez/thaw cycle on, then it will be ok.
Most will have this though. so i usually just say put in the fridge when in powder and when mixed.
If yor freezer does not have a freez/thaw cycle on, then it will be ok.
Most will have this though. so i usually just say put in the fridge when in powder and when mixed.

What's the point of a freezer that thaws out? I've never heard of that... you got ripped off bro! A freezer stays frozen hence the name.