How to use Clen in post therapy?

J steel

New member
Anyone have experience in using clen in your post cycle so as to block cortison receptors and their catabolic effect?

I was going to start it the same time I started my clomid / nolva therapy. But would I cycle it two weeks on / two weeks most people do with clen...........or would you keep it steady for several weeks until you felt your body was more stable??

what do you guys think?

also, do you guys adjust your workouts in post cycle? or do you still train as intense and long as before?
I am doing the same thing. I started clen with my clomid and am running 3/4 of a dropper, in the morn and then in the early afternoon. I will do this 2 weeks on and 2 off then for the next 2 weeks I will use ECA.
yea, i guess i was worried about the two weeks off.

i understand an eca contains ephedrine which has the same anti-catabolic effect..........i just didnt think it was as potent as clen.

seems like the right way to do it though, thanks.
I like to run clen post cycle for 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. It helps keep cortisol down, which is good for preserving that hard earned muscle.