i have a question about HGH

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lil g

well my brother is 28 years old ... he wants to slim down get some muscle mass and all the good stuff about HGH.....he doesnt want to gain 100% out of the cycle....well i was thinking maybe 6 IU's a week of HGH or whats the minimum he should do ... what do you guys think thanx
even the "100%" gains from hgh are small so i wouldnt bother. if hes gonna do hgh do it right. with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) + slin. only way id do it. even at 4 iu's ed for 3 months the gains will be very slim and the fat loss would be slight.
I disagree. 4ius of GH should have quite a composition change if taken everyday for 3 months. Albeit, no new muscle put on, but from all the studies and reports ive seen, there shoudl be quite a good change in fat to fat free mass ratio. Ive even seen people on these baords say they could eat crappy and still stay lean. But then again, I have no personal experience with GH.
the muscle mass was what i was talking about. yes 4 iu's would shed fat but not enough in my view to warrant the extreme cost. remember hes asking about 6 iu's a week, thats less than an iu a day. i would consider that worthless, unless he was gh deficient wich i highly doubt he is at 28 y/o. his goals are very light and can easily be acomplished through a light cycle and diet, so why waste the money?
bronco944 said:
even the "100%" gains from hgh are small so i wouldnt bother. if hes gonna do hgh do it right. with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) + slin. only way id do it. even at 4 iu's ed for 3 months the gains will be very slim and the fat loss would be slight.

I agree here and diagree as well. 26 yr old is young. His IGF-1 levels if I had to guess are still up there in the very desirable range. I would test his IGF-1 levels, a silmple blood test done at his doctors office and see what his baseline levels are. Based on that, If he is close to 350ng/ml, a low dose of Hgh p/w for a few months may do the trick. That magical fat burning effect usualy occurs in that 350ng/ml - 500ng/ml range. Add on a little of T3 25mcg p/d 6 weeks on 6 weeks off ect. But IMOP, if he has to loose just a little bit of fat, mabee a good diet and some cardio is all he needs.

I agree with bronco944, To say he will gain lean muscle mass at 6 iu's p/w in a three months period of time is overly ambishious. I guarentee you will be diapointed with the results. Without Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and or slin forget it. Save your money.