I need some serious help with a diet...

Chicago Made

New member
I've been gone from working out for about 1 1/2 yrs now and am now getting back. It sucks in the beginning as I knew it would but I anticipated that.

My problem is I gained 40 extra pounds of fat in my absence from the sport. I need some help on a realistic diet. By that I mean something I can actually stick to, food that tastes good and is good for me.

I'm 290pds (6' 4') now and want to get back to 250, solid. I don't know my bf%, but i have a gut and some love handles if that tells you anything.

Can anybody set me up with a sample diet and possibly some good low-sodium seasoning, good late night snacks (big time late night eater), etc.

I really appreciate any help on this. My diet as is isn't one, it's what the wife cooks which isn't always bad for me but I know I could be eating much cleaner.

Thanks guys!

Well, not for weight-loss but I hear it helps out, my Dr prescribed me Topamax. Anybody know of this stuff? Its not a stimulant so im not sure how it helps you lose weight.
Well, not for weight-loss but I hear it helps out, my Dr prescribed me Topamax. Anybody know of this stuff? Its not a stimulant so im not sure how it helps you lose weight.

topamax that shit is prescribed for seizures