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Because of my work schedule I'm not able to have bloods done for several days and I have read austinites gyno thread so I have done research but I'm still concerned. I'm running 500mg of testosterone e/wk and 525mg of tren ace/wk .25mg adex eod. last bloods my e2 was in check, but that was before the tren ace. My nipples are sore not sensitive. I can't feel any distinct lump right behind the nipple but it seems there might be something further back (I could be hyper sensitive), but like I said they are definitely sore. I know first option would be bloods to check e2 and prolactin, but I don't have that option for several days. I have both nolva and prami on hand. Should I start the nolva? It would seem more likely to be an e2 issue right? Thanks for the help guys!