I want to lose weight


New member
I want to lose some bf before i start my next cycle. The only hard part is that i'm in college and most if not all the food comes pre-prepared.

I have no idea how to figure out serving sizes or calories. I dont want to sacrafice any of my muscle.

I am 6' approx 200lbs. I want to try and lose at least 10 lbs of fat. Was thinking about taking clen and T3 to help with the process.

I know they are not miracle drugs and it still takes a healthy diet and training to acheive your goals.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

ps. I have always had this extra bf and it seems like no matter what i do i can't get past it.


what's clen and t3? i'm taking ephederine and it's working good for me. you should eat alot of fruit and cereal and sushi like me it's good, hehe. what type of cycle are you gonna do? i want to get buff too after i loose some weight but i love my nut sack so much and i don't want it to be holding little raisins so what's the best way with no bad side effects to bulk up?
I was wondering if you recieved any good info. on the message you posted. I'm in kind of in the same sitution.
could you give us an example of what your currently eating each day.. just to get an idea.

are you staying in resiedences? are their microwaves for use? electric burners?
you could try your best to cook things on your own. If you dont have a fridge, oatmeal is easy to cook in the microwave, canned tuna is simple.

Also I dont know about your college, but I know that some do offer pre requested foods as long as you let them know.
your best bet is to stick to the least processed foods avaliable. eg: oatmeal, salads, all fiberous veggies, chicken breasts(grilled), fish(grilled), egg whites, cottage cheese, brown rice(if they offer it, again ask). some places are getting better at adding better choices to their menus, hopefully yours is.
Thx ather

Yeah my school offers somewhat healthy foods but not many.

I try to stay away from all the fried food and pizza which makes up about 75% of our food.

It gets hard sometimes eating the same exact thing day after day. Like chicken or salad.

I could put a request in to get some more healthy food. Hopefully that will help.

Thx again

I know how hard it can be to eat clean while cafeterias get boring.. I packed my lunch all through high school! LOL

try the request and see if you can get some help that way.... it only makes sense that they would support HEALTHY lifestyles!!!!
its a no wonder that so many people have health problems...just look at the foods that schools offer! :(
before i moved away to college the diet i used to get into shape was pretty simple.. it was just a low carb diet.. and some cardio...

breakfast (6am)
whatever you want just dont got nutz... usualy id have spaghetti

lunch (11am)
chicken salad no dressing no crutons no cheese. /w bottle of water

snack (3pm)
high protein low carb shake

--go to gym from 3:30 -> 6ish--

dinner (6:30-7pm)
whatever my mom cooked lol

10pm - jog a mile.

get home shower and go to bed.

somewhere in there i found time for hs... im having a problem with dieting and fraternity life.... but im workin on it.. my hs diet is what worked best for me i was getting an (in the words of my sisters bf) "apeish look".

hope this post helped