I wanted some input on these supplements


feeding BH his daily cum
Hey I do the ordering for sups at a nutrition store what do you guys think of these- Viraloid, 17-hd ,nitrobolic from Vyo-tech.
m1p and others from legal gear.
CEX,AEX,Henogex,Muscle Nitrous from VPX.
Nolvadex xt, super-pump250,3rd degree burns.
Blitz cycle Fizogen.
Nutrex- Vitrix, lipo-6, vitargo glc.
dicana, Thermolife?
acxel said:
Hey I do the ordering for sups at a nutrition store what do you guys think of these- Viraloid, 17-hd ,nitrobolic from Vyo-tech.
m1p and others from legal gear.
CEX,AEX,Henogex,Muscle Nitrous from VPX.
Nolvadex xt, super-pump250,3rd degree burns.
Blitz cycle Fizogen.
Nutrex- Vitrix, lipo-6, vitargo glc.
dicana, Thermolife?

Viraloid, 17 HD are garbage...if u have M1P ..take it and throw it in the trash.

Vitrix is good stuff if u wanna run it thru a PCT.
:smokepoke super pump 250 is good, vitargo is good stuff if u want to put on mass, and nolvedex xt is good for pct. everthing else is pretty much shit. :toilet:
now have you guys tried these or are you just going by hear say or opinion only , I ve gotten some good feed back on the Vyotech stuff now nothing will beat the real thing but I can't sell that at the store so has any one tried these products honestly
well they are new products Easto, vyotech is a up and coming company and the process of how they skimmed around the pro hormone issue seems pretty promising on paper but id like some real world results so any input would be welcome from people that actually tried them
ive got some M1t from them..but i havent tried it yet. the guy i got it from said it was good shit. 15lbs in three weeks is what he gained.
jesus that is a clusterfuck of random shit

so what your saying is you want an opinion on every supplement ever made, correct?
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acxel said:
Hey I do the ordering for sups at a nutrition store what do you guys think of these- Viraloid, 17-hd ,nitrobolic from Vyo-tech.
m1p and others from legal gear.
CEX,AEX,Henogex,Muscle Nitrous from VPX.
Nolvadex xt, super-pump250,3rd degree burns.
Blitz cycle Fizogen.
Nutrex- Vitrix, lipo-6, vitargo glc.
dicana, Thermolife?

If your going to use blitz cycle get the whole package. I've had good results with fizogen.

Nolvadex xp is garbage and is useless for PCT.
TheQuietMan said:
This is without a doubt the most impressive supplement I have ever used.
ive never heard of this before, but i checked it out online, and it looks like a good product. I supplement with most of those supps in bulk powder form, but FastTwitch looks like a good alternative for people that dont want to mess with a lot of powders.
Hey guys I started to check into all these diffrent companies and in the process of checking them out I ended up getting a job as their National Sales Director and let me tell you guys that I would love to get some real feed back on these products I want to know what you guys really think about these sups and any input will deffinetly be considered.