I'm new and thought I would introduce myself...


New member
I just registered and thought I would introduce myself... I didn't see any better place to put this and since I will be spending all of my time in this forum and the diet forum, I put it here.

22% BF
working out for 3 years

Hey guys, I thought I would start reading more about the use of anabolics awhile back, as I wanted to try them to regain some muscle that I lost for a couple of reasons. First, I was 350lbs and was so out of shape, I would sweat on the walk upstairs to use the washroom. I started running, making it up to a marathon only 6 months later and down 130lbs. It was the proudest moment of my life! At that time, I was hitting the gym daily but running was my true passion. I then got in a car accident a month after the marathon and was in a coma and then bedridden, not even allowed to stand up, for 3 months. Needless to say, I lost almost all of the muscles I previously had, because of the hard dieting and then not moving or eating for a long time. Go 2.5 years down the road and I haven't missed the gym once and was still disappointed about the muscle regrowth, as I was always very cautious about my intake, fearing that I will put on weight again. I was even down to 165lbs at one point; skin and bones, lol.

I started my first cycle back on October 1st with:
800mg of test-400 weekly (DK, now life science corp)
and 400mg of EQ weekly (quality vet)
The gains were decent but not great!
I then added Deca (450mg weekly) to the mix in November and had some more gains but again, nothing amazing.(quality vet)
The deca got finished and I decided to try tren-A (life sciences) with the Test-400. I'm currently using 75mg ED of the Tren-A and still 800mg of the test-400.

I personally think the stuff is all bunk, which is why I've tried switching brands and types, but unfortunately, not suppliers. I'm on the phone with a friend who has a friend now, and hoping to get something decent to finish off the last three weeks of cycle. I'll find out tomorrow.

I've put on muscle and I'm horny as f*ck, so the test is working but I don't think as well as it should be at these dosages for a first timer. I'm not getting any sides, except for when I took the weekly dose, all at once, instead of splitting it over two shots, because I was going on vacation. I got a lot of acne at that point, however, it could also be the sun, beach, and booze that did that.

Anyways... I look forward to providing some decent input as time goes on and also receiving some helpful advice; I need it!
I think you should get a nutritionist to help you make a diet that will put lean muscle on you and not get you fat. But at the same time has a caloric surplus. I also think that will help to solve your problems if the gear is fake or not. Another thing you can do is get blood tests while on the testosterone to see how high your testosterone levels are and than compare them to other peoples testosterone levels who are running a similar amount of testosterone.

I think you probably are not eating enough. But I would say most labs are under dosed from what I have seen. It is hard to find quality labs out their. They are out their you just need to really look for them and be willing to lose the money on trying new places. And than basically do a blood test to see if they are legit or not. That is basically your only way of knowing if a company has legit testosterone. Make sure you get the test that shows the total number and doesn't just say its higher than 1500ng/dl.
I think you should get a nutritionist to help you make a diet that will put lean muscle on you and not get you fat. But at the same time has a caloric surplus. I also think that will help to solve your problems if the gear is fake or not. Another thing you can do is get blood tests while on the testosterone to see how high your testosterone levels are and than compare them to other peoples testosterone levels who are running a similar amount of testosterone.

I think you probably are not eating enough. But I would say most labs are under dosed from what I have seen. It is hard to find quality labs out their. They are out their you just need to really look for them and be willing to lose the money on trying new places. And than basically do a blood test to see if they are legit or not. That is basically your only way of knowing if a company has legit testosterone. Make sure you get the test that shows the total number and doesn't just say its higher than 1500ng/dl.

Thanks for the advice! The funny thing is, I have a nutritionist and I don't follow her advice. She has been trying to get me to eat more for the last year. I did try for a few months, during this cycle and I put on about 30lbs, but I think it was mostly fat. Hence, me thinking the gear is bunk or close enough to it, to not matter. I'll try the blood test though and see how it goes from there. The only thing is, due to my car accident and the current lawsuit, I prefer not to have that in my medical records just yet. Nothing stops me from driving to buffalo from Toronto and pay for a blood test there privately, though.

I should also add, that I am taking 80mg of Var and also 100umg of clen daily, right now. As I want the last 20lbs gone that is keeping my abs concealed. Abs are extra special to me, when I went from barely being able to see my dick my whole life, to being able to see abs. :)

I should also add... I am taking .5mg of Arimidex EOD and have all of my PCT ready to go (Clomid and Nolva)

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Are you 100% sure you are getting enough calories from your diet? That would explain the sub-par gains. Are you consistently counting your calories and macro nutrients?

It's 80% diet. Muscle doesn't grow from air. Bodybuilding consists of training, rest and nutrition. If you are missing one of those, then you will get bad results, if you get any at all. Steroids give you a bit of leeway but not much. That's why professionals spend so much time eating the right foods, busting their ass in the gym, AND getting enough rest. The drugs aren't enough for them, so ithey won't be for you either. Then you throw genetics into the mix and you get an even more complicated science. I'm getting ahead of myself now. Go back dial in your diet before you go switching sources or even go on a new cycle.
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Every single calorie and every single macro is recorded for anything that crosses my lips. Its how I lost all of my weight to begin with and how I control it now. I do get carried away with Carbs occasionally but am good 90% of the time. I try to eat a 2500 calorie diet normally but upped it to 3500-4000 daily, during the cycle. I eat about 35% protein, 45% carbs and 20% fat, or at least try to. A lot is from shakes though, unfortunately. Not much I can do to change that. I don't drive and can't carry a cooler of food with me all day.

My diet is far from perfect though! I get carried away with birthday cake and booze at any party I go to.
I would stay over 3000 at least. With your stats you need more. On gear you can bump that up further. I wouldn't go any lower than 3000. I could see you getting poor results on a 2500 calorie diet. I've seen much smaller guys push their daily intake much higher with good results.
I would stay over 3000 at least. With your stats you need more. On gear you can bump that up further. I wouldn't go any lower than 3000. I could see you getting poor results on a 2500 calorie diet. I've seen much smaller guys push their daily intake much higher with good results.

Starting today, I adjusted my calories to 3500 for the rest of the cycle (end of December). I don't expect much from now until then, but I will keep an eye on the difference it makes, for the next cycle in the spring.

I also forgot to put in my stats... 35yrs old.
It should make a difference, even without steroids. Don't be afraid to put on some fat. That's what a cut is for. Good luck