Im preplanning my winter cycle now, what do you guys think?


New member
Im doing a long bulker in probably november or december, im looking to add about 15-20 lbs of mass over the course of the cycle. Im 224lbs 6ft right now at like 15-16% bodyfat. im not really worried about the bodyfat in the winter i know i will gain some. im planning on keeping my protein intake at a minium of 300grams a day from various sources and about 70-100 grams of complex carbs around gym time and post workout for the slin use. im a little afraid of the slin so im going to take it eaisy this first run. the diet part i got under control. but i want some opinions on this cycle. by the way this is goingto be my 5th cycle or so. im not a newbie by any means. thanks guys

Test Cyp/Enth 1000mgs a week for 16 weeks (upjohn or icns)
Deca 800mgs a week for 16 weeks (norma or organon)
Dianabol 50mgs a day for 8 weeks (thais or russians)
Insulin 5ius a day post workout for 3 weeks on 3 weeks off
GH 2-3ius a day for 6 months (jintropin)
HCG 500ius 2 times a week for whole cycle
Femara 1.5mgs EOD as needed increase dose

also aside from the liver complications and stuff has anyone gone over 50mgs a day with dbol in a bulker for longer than 8 weeks and gotten superior desults? im not saying im gonna do it im just getting some experineces.

thanks guys
Im gonna bump this for ya buddy, but im addin my 2 cents lol.

1g of test and 800mg of deca on a 3rd cycle seems a bit much.
Glad to see you backed the dbol down from 12 weeks to 8 haha, but i still think its a bit much.
This guy tries to talk me out of slin because of the dangers and then decides to use it himself lol. Gotta love that.
Water will help you grow, and femara will keep the water off. Who cares if your bloated in the winter, ur always wearin long sleeves. Let the water help you and keep nolva on hand in case.
Your already gonna be shut down hard from the Deca, and i know your lookin to lean out, so id throw fina in the last 6 weeks, coverin the 3 weeks between last deca shot and clomid therapy.
Seriously, why do alot of guys take these high dosages is beyond me, the more the better, doesnt work, especially not with such a crazy scheme. Just run 500mg sust/500mg deca for 10 weeks and dbol (depending on the amount ya like) for the first 4 weeks. Ya can frontload the sust and deca if ya like. This will put on ya wanted 15-20 pounds. And leave the slin outta there, its for profs! ANd ya dont need HG for a 15-20 pounds gain.

No offence, just my 2 cents!

yo riki

my attitude is not the more the better, i see what guys around me are taking and i always stay away from those doses but u know what theyre alot and i mean alot bigger and stronger than me. so i figure ill try one heavy cycle to see what happens. also 99% of the people who use slin are by far not pros so who says that gh and insulin are for pros. ive been dieing to try gh for quite a while now so im finally going to do it.

Its your body monitor2, but dont think it will do ya good in quality gains, ya'll overload your system so bad, ya'll probably lose it all afterwards. If ya want strength, try Halotestin, but this is also hard on the liver.

I´ve ran (and still run) dbol for long periods of time. I love it. No kidney pain, no painful pumps in my back, no blood in my urine, no headaches (suggesting high blood pressure) etc etc.

Apart from the GH and slin, which I don´t have any hands on experience from, I would run your cycle in a heartbeat if I could find the funds.

Best of luck to you if decide to run it bro! :)
Riki said:
Seriously, why do alot of guys take these high dosages is beyond me, the more the better, doesnt work,
Actually, the reason ppl take such high doses is because the more the better DOES work. But these ppl are also usually the ppl who lack a solid diet, training, and rest routine. Therefore, they need the extra juice to make gains.

This post was not directed at ur cycle monitor2.
minitor2 said:
Test Cyp/Enth 1000mgs a week for 16 weeks (upjohn or icns)
Deca 800mgs a week for 16 weeks (norma or organon)
Dianabol 50mgs a day for 8 weeks (thais or russians)
Insulin 5ius a day post workout for 3 weeks on 3 weeks off
GH 2-3ius a day for 6 months (jintropin)
HCG 500ius 2 times a week for whole cycle
Femara 1.5mgs EOD as needed increase dose

1.) Drop your cycle to 12 weeks.

2.) Sub eq for deca...if you dont wanna do that drop the deca at week 10

3.) Drop the dbol down to at MOST 6 weeks

4.) Drop the hgh until you cut in the spring

5.) Cut the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in half (250 ius twice a week)

6.) Keep that femara dose as low as possible

7.) Deca/eq/testcyp are all long may want to throw in some kinda fast acting steroid (susp, prop, fina) at the end of your cycle prior to clomid therapy

thanks ready2explode i think i will try to make those modifications.

genetical challenge- what were your doses and what was the longest run you ever did with it. also when did you notice the gains and strength start to drop off, also what type of dbol were you using? thanks

Re: Re: Im preplanning my winter cycle now, what do you guys think?

ready2explode said:
1.) Drop your cycle to 12 weeks.

2.) Sub eq for deca...if you dont wanna do that drop the deca at week 10

3.) Drop the dbol down to at MOST 6 weeks

4.) Drop the hgh until you cut in the spring

5.) Cut the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in half (250 ius twice a week)

6.) Keep that femara dose as low as possible

7.) Deca/eq/testcyp are all long may want to throw in some kinda fast acting steroid (susp, prop, fina) at the end of your cycle prior to clomid therapy

Agreed. Expecially about femara (you're bulking, right...?) And fina at the end.
Anyway... almost 2 grams of test and deca is still looking too much to me. You're big, ok, but your stats do not need all that stuff IMO. I would drop them a little, both test and deca (let's say 800 and 600mg/week).
Re: kewl

minitor2 said:
thanks ready2explode i think i will try to make those modifications.

genetical challenge- what were your doses and what was the longest run you ever did with it. also when did you notice the gains and strength start to drop off, also what type of dbol were you using? thanks


Hey bro,

I ran dbol for about 16 weeks straight.
Weeks 1-6 60mg ED
Weeks 7-8 50mg ED
Weeks 9-10 40mg ED
Weeks 11-12 30mg ED
Weeks 13-14 20mg ED
Weeks 15-16 10mg ED

The cycle looked something like that, it was several years ago so I really can´t remember the exact tapering dosages below 60mg ED. I went through 1000 thai dbols with that cycle. The strenght gains were massive through the whole cycle. Stacked it with 1000mg Omnadren a week for the first half of the cycle, then 500mg weekly. You were wondering when the strenght started to drop, do you mean after the cycle or during the cycle? Anyways, I gained through the whole cycle.

My next cycle, I´m apperently on some bunk Niles at the moment since my gyno has subsided almost alltogether when switching to Niles and it doesn´t even feel sore, anyway, my next cycle will last for 20 weeks. I just have to get my money issues in order..

By the way, I bought 1000 of those pretty pink tabs for only $100 :)
Re: Re: Im preplanning my winter cycle now, what do you guys think?

ready2explode said:
1.) Drop your cycle to 12 weeks.

2.) Sub eq for deca...if you dont wanna do that drop the deca at week 10

3.) Drop the dbol down to at MOST 6 weeks

4.) Drop the hgh until you cut in the spring

5.) Cut the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in half (250 ius twice a week)

6.) Keep that femara dose as low as possible

7.) Deca/eq/testcyp are all long may want to throw in some kinda fast acting steroid (susp, prop, fina) at the end of your cycle prior to clomid therapy

Minitor........I agree with 1-7 ;)

:afro: 250ius Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) twice a week really enough to keep his nuts from atrophying? especially at high doses of test and the deca, which will shut him down hard. not flaming, just an honest looking to follow a twice a week Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) schedule for my next cycle and am still debating dosages.
J steel said: 250ius Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) twice a week really enough to keep his nuts from atrophying? especially at high doses of test and the deca, which will shut him down hard. not flaming, just an honest looking to follow a twice a week Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) schedule for my next cycle and am still debating dosages.
It is not the steroids used, rather the lack of stimulation which causes the testicles to atrophy. Your balls wont be smaller using 2gs for 20 weeks than they will if you were to use 500mgs for 20 weeks.
ok so

if i did 500ius total a week that will be enough Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) you guys think?

also i meant do the strength gains ever diminish with the extended use of dbol over 8 weeks?

Re: Re: kewl

And how where ya boodvalues, aftewards?


GeneticalChallenge said:
Hey bro,

I ran dbol for about 16 weeks straight.
Weeks 1-6 60mg ED
Weeks 7-8 50mg ED
Weeks 9-10 40mg ED
Weeks 11-12 30mg ED
Weeks 13-14 20mg ED
Weeks 15-16 10mg ED

The cycle looked something like that, it was several years ago so I really can´t remember the exact tapering dosages below 60mg ED. I went through 1000 thai dbols with that cycle. The strenght gains were massive through the whole cycle. Stacked it with 1000mg Omnadren a week for the first half of the cycle, then 500mg weekly. You were wondering when the strenght started to drop, do you mean after the cycle or during the cycle? Anyways, I gained through the whole cycle.

My next cycle, I´m apperently on some bunk Niles at the moment since my gyno has subsided almost alltogether when switching to Niles and it doesn´t even feel sore, anyway, my next cycle will last for 20 weeks. I just have to get my money issues in order..

By the way, I bought 1000 of those pretty pink tabs for only $100 :)
Re: Re: Re: kewl

Riki said:
And how where ya boodvalues, aftewards?


Hey Riki,

Don´t have a clue, but atleast I didn´t "seem" to have any sides, if you count out the brutal acne I had on my back. I have scar tissue that will always remind me of that cycle. It looks like I´ve been shot with a shotgun.
There are some simple things to watch for when on dbol, and other livertoxic orals for that matter. If your urine is discoloured, it´s the kidneys. If your shit is yellowish, it´s your liver. Of course there might be exceptions to these "rules". But as I said, I felt fine and didn´t have any problems to my knowledge, aside from the acne. I might have gotten really bad genetics from my loving parents, but I sure as hell got some good resistance to gear :)

Oh, btw minitor, I´m not in any way encouraging you to try dbol for 16 weeks. Just sharing my experience.

I just read on another board that Retabolil2, in his younger days, stacked 8 drols and 20 tabs dbol ED in a cycle. He still does this, but not for longer than 2-3 weeks. :)
He also used dbol for 5 months straight when he started working out.
If you´re reading this Ret, I hope you didn´t mind me posting this.

Later fellas!