Individual compounds or Blends?


New member
Curios on what people like no when running multiple compounds. Test P 50 Tren A 50 blend or individual bottles and mix in syringe? Lots of options out there with blends these days, some 2 compounds, some 3. What your likes or dislikes with these options such as blood level consistency, pip or dosage?
I like to brew my shit separately and then I can just mix it in the syringe, but any way works. I think that stabbing yourself more than once on the same day just because you are injecting two different compounds is stupid.
I dont trust blends even if source is trustworthy i mean will we notice if theres 75mgs instead of 100? I rather just get individual bottles and mix in syringe
This is what I'm looking for. People's experience with this. Very true how do we know? But then again how do we know on single compounds as well?
This is what I'm looking for. People's experience with this. Very true how do we know? But then again how do we know on single compounds as well?

That is true... but i think theyd keep it more honest if it was a individual compound i think lol.... all i know if someone gives me tren thats 50mg instead of 100 im gonna notice because my body is gonna suffer and not maintain if i was already on 100mgs
Buy them separately so that you have flexibility to make dosage adjustments. Blends don't seem like a good choice to me. The added convenience doesn't outweigh the added limitations.
I prefer individual as it allows me to adjust things on the fly. I can see the value of blends, but most are often pretty high concentrations per milliliter, or mix in test - which I like to keep separate. This also allows me to dial down the testosterone if I have a TRT panel coming up, but don't feel like coming off everything.
I dont much care for blends. With blends if you want to raise or lower the dose of one compound you have to raise or lower them all, which we dont always want to do. With running each compound separate it makes things easier to raise a certain compound or lower another.
I prefer individual as it allows me to adjust things on the fly. I can see the value of blends, but most are often pretty high concentrations per milliliter, or mix in test - which I like to keep separate. This also allows me to dial down the testosterone if I have a TRT panel coming up, but don't feel like coming off everything.

Good input! This is very true as well. Easier to dial up or down a certain compound without having to dial up the other if not needed.
Wonder why no we see so many different blends, some even up to 4 compounds?
Ive seen outrageous blends i know theres no fucken way all that shit is in there.... ive asked my source and he says its not likely to pull that off and if they did it would be so painful youd never want to inject it again
Ive seen outrageous blends i know theres no fucken way all that shit is in there.... ive asked my source and he says its not likely to pull that off and if they did it would be so painful youd never want to inject it again

No shit! Pip from hell! Devils piss!
True with not knowing what's in there either. May just be Test E 500 and you think it's test DECA mix.
I totally agree with Megatron here, I have run tren plenty of times and I still start out low the first week and keep upping the dose to my desired set dose for that blast as to get a feel what tren has to offer once again! , as u cannot do that on blends say if u wanna up your tren and keep your test low
Not gonna happen with blends
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I like to brew my shit separately and then I can just mix it in the syringe, but any way works. I think that stabbing yourself more than once on the same day just because you are injecting two different compounds is stupid.

I stabbed myself 3 times yesterday.. but I don't like pinning more then 1 cc in my lats and delts, so I don't have a choice.. specially running Test e, test c, npp, deca, primo, and mast.. that's a lot of volume.. being I got the needles and gear out anyhow, I might as well just pin away.

personally, I'd stick to single compounds and inject what you want rather then a blend.. example-- instead of running sustanon (a testosterone blend of long and short ester),, just run test E and test Prop together,, you get the same effect, probably even better effect then sustanon.
I'm going to have to agree with most on here. Having them separate is better for the reason you can tweak the tren dose. The only blends I use regularly are test blends but I have a chemist making it for me so I trust it. I have a 4 ester blend now each ester peaks on a different day so it's quite nice. I was doing 300 mgs a week on my cruise and had labs done and my levels were at 1475 on just 300mg a week.

As far as other blends I would steer clear.
Never will do blends or high concentrate ever again. I'll decide the amount of each hormone. And the pip from high concentrate is simply ridiculous. When you can barely walk let alone train that gear is doing nothing for you.

My first time using Tren this summer. Can't wait. No blends!
I stabbed myself 3 times yesterday.. but I don't like pinning more then 1 cc in my lats and delts, so I don't have a choice.. specially running Test e, test c, npp, deca, primo, and mast.. that's a lot of volume.. being I got the needles and gear out anyhow, I might as well just pin away.

personally, I'd stick to single compounds and inject what you want rather then a blend.. example-- instead of running sustanon (a testosterone blend of long and short ester),, just run test E and test Prop together,, you get the same effect, probably even better effect then sustanon.

Why NPP and deca both? Are you front loading the nandrolone?
Curios on what people like no when running multiple compounds. Test P 50 Tren A 50 blend or individual bottles and mix in syringe? Lots of options out there with blends these days, some 2 compounds, some 3. What your likes or dislikes with these options such as blood level consistency, pip or dosage?
I like high mg/ml blends. but if its about the same ratio as alone i rather have each alone for better control of dosing if i wanted to adjust something.
I take the blends anyday... me being a tall and bigger guy requires a shit loads of mls per day. I'd rather 1ml of 3 than 3ml of 3.

Started hating pinning taking so much oil per day.