Insulin and fat loss...


New member
Does anyone know a way to promote insulin resistance in fat cells without promoting it in muscle cells? grateful for any information.
simplecanibus said:
i have no idea. i really don't think it's possible, but talk to a doctor. i'm sure they'll know a lot more then most people.

LMAO:p , DOcs?? hee hee, don't think they can help....

Mcbruiser - I think if there was a way, everyone would be jumping on that!! Just don't eat fat when insulin is spiked (1hr post glucose) and dont eat bad fats with carbs...

might wanna ask Pokkeyy or Muah Tai Guy though, they seem to be all over that insulin info:D
yeah dont mix fats with carbs or at least bad fats since you are trying to diet. And remember insulin is inversely proportionate to growth hormone.
Caffein decreases insulin sensitivity

...But exercise increases it
Prana I am not real sure about exogeneous administred growth. I would assume that it would have a very minimal affect due to the presence of an abundance of HGH in the body.