Interested in taking first cycle in the upcoming year


New member
I've ran 2 PH cycles before (m-sten & p-mag). I found this source offering a 12 week beginner cycle which includes:

3 vials Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml 10ml/vial
2 amps HCG 5000 iu/amp
1 bag Aromasin 20mg/tab, 50 tabs/bag
1 bag Tamoxifen 20mg/tab, 50 tabs/bag
1 bag Clomid 50mg/tab, 50 tabs/bag

I read the sticky here a couple times and the way they have it laid out is a little different but pretty close.

1-12 weeks 500mg Testosterone Enanthate (weekly)
1-12 weeks 10-20mg Aromasin Everyday to every other day (If needed)
1-12 weeks 250iu HCG twice a week


12-16 weeks 20mg Tamoxifen every day
12-16 weeks 50mg Clomid every day

Some of the things I noticed is that they jump right into the PCT (not wait 2 weeks after last injection) and also they stay on a constant 500iu HCG for the full 12 weeks. Also staying at just 20mg Tamox the whole PCT, not 40/40/20/20. I have no intention of starting this anytime soon and probably won't for another couple of months. If you guys could offer any suggestions or concerns that would be great. I'm currently 6'2 200 pounds at like ~19% BF or so. Gonna get down to 10/12% and re assess my self from there.
I would wait 2 weeks before PCT. You want the Test to leave your system beofre you restart. 40/40/20/20 is basic, some run 100/100/50/50. Do what you feel comfortable doing with your PCT. The only way you will know it works is by getting BEFORE/MID/AFTER bloodwork. This is not OPTIONAL. Some will run the PCT a couple weeks longer also.

Good luck.
How old are you?

Are you going to cut before you start your cycle? You body fat % is on the highish side and will make estradiol management more difficult.
Run hcg and ai up to pct. Aromasin needs to be taken every day. An ai on cycle isn't one of those "if needed" type of things. You'll probably need it. At what dose? Bloodwork will tell that. Pct might want to be started 18-21 days after last pin. 2 weeks is old school. Look up pct calculater. Might have to Google that. Pct is nolva and clomid together.

Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50
You don't want to run clomid too much over 50mgs per day cuz you can get some nasty sides...
How old are you?

Are you going to cut before you start your cycle? You body fat % is on the highish side and will make estradiol management more difficult.

I'll be turning 22 on Wednesday, kinda young I know... I've been 6'2 for a while so I kind of figured I'm done growing.Also I've got 2 designer cycles under my belt and haven't gotten any sides or anything from those (p-mag and m-sten). I would cut down to 10/12% first and then try and bulk up from there.
Is your brain / endocrine system done developing? There is a lot more to physical development than height, right?

Are you prepared to possibly be on TRT for the rest of your life?