Interesting article on the next great test booster..Test infusion !!


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I just wanted to bring everyone's attention to a new product which has just hit the market. Premium Powders new Test Infusion appears very promising for those who desire both herbal testosterone supplementation and the support complexes necessary to maintain gains during a rest period.

Many people don't realize that there are several herbs that have been scientifically proven to boost testosterone. Indigenous people throughout the world realized long ago that certain herbs had potent effects boosting virility, stamina, and vitality. Unfortunately, it has taken years for Western medicine to take notice of these herbs and their testosterone boosting effects. Test Infusion contains 5 testosterone boosting supplements into one package.

The first I would like to discuss is is Tongkat Ali root, primarily because I like it's name. This plant is native to Southeast Asia and has been used for years in the native medicine of the region. Scientific study in both animal models and humans has shown it to be a potent testosterone booster. It was shown in a placebo controlled study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine to aid significantly in muscle gains over volunteers taking the placebo. Simply, it helped them gain muscle faster, than those who didn't.

Also included is the proven testosterone booster is Bulbine Natalensis. It is a herb found in southern Africa, which like Tongkat Ali was used by native peoples as a potent aphrodisiac as well as an anti-inflammatory. Studies have shown that when taken it significantly increases Testosterone. It also has been shown to decrease Progesterone, Prolactin, and Estrogen, 3 hormones which no male athlete desires.

Next up is the amino acid, D-Aspartic Acid. Amino acids are what proteins are derived from. Your body uses the L form of amino acids to build muscle and body tissue. The D form is used most often as transmitter. Simply, it gives a signal for the body to either increase or decrease production of something. D-Aspartic Acid has been show to up regulate production of Luteinizing hormone, which causes the Leydig cells in the testis to produce more testosterone.

You may have heard of different varieties of the middle-eastern plant Tribulus over the years being mentioned as a potent testosterone booster. Studies have been somewhat contradictory for many of these varieties, with the exception of extracts from the Tribulus alatatus plant, which, drum roll please, is also included in Test Infusion. It is pretty unique in that it is a very potent antioxidant, boosting glutathione and ascorbic acid levels and has anabolic effects due to increasing free testosterone levels. What I think is the most interesting thing about this herb, is that it has been shown to have an anabolic effect, independent of testosterone levels. This is going to be researched extensively over the next few years as it is a pretty novel mechanism.

Finally, last but not least we come to Basella alba, no relation to Jessica. Also known as Indian Spinach, the stuff really tastes pretty decent as it is a staple in many Indian and Southeastern Asian diets. For years there wasn't a supplement available, and those who desired its testosterone and libido increasing effects simply ate it. That's great, but the stuff is super high in fiber and can cause some pretty raunchy flatulence. Here it is in pill form concentrate, so that issue is mitigated completely. Thank god.

The majority of these supplements mentioned above are found easily enough in solo preparations, but there are very few products that combine them all into one easy to take package. Also, you always have to be careful when buying products like these, as many companies simply don't deliver what they promise, often times resorting to selling adulterated oregano versus the real deal. With a Premium Powders product, that isn't something you are going to have to worry about.

Now time to talk about the support complexes. When you are in a high testosterone state, you have to provide your body the appropriate support complexes to allow your body to take advantage of it. You have to stay hydrated and support the kidneys, we all know. Also, you have to provide the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants your liver, heart, and prostate need to keep up with your elevated testosterone levels. If your prostate swells up to the size of a grapefruit due to increased testosterone levels, not only will you be tired from getting up to piss 10 times every night, but you're not going to be in the mood to take advantage of your elevated testosterone levels. Test Infusion has the support complexes you need to help stay out of trouble when you are striving for gains, and also those needed to provide the support needed when you are just trying to maintain where you are at.

These herbs increase testosterone, which is a wonderful thing when you are trying to gain muscle. However, elevated testosterone does have its own negative side effects. For example, testosterone decreases good cholesterol and increases the bad cholesterol. This is one reason that women tend to live longer and have less heart problems, as estrogen has the opposite effect. As always, before going on any supplement it is best to check with a physician before starting.

All things considered, Test Infusion looks to be another hit from Premium Powders. It not only provides 5 testosterone boosting agents, but also provides a wide variety of support complexes to help your body cope with not only high testosterone states but also when you are in a recovery period. Is this a supplement for gain or recovery you might ask? The answer I think is it really depends on the person. If you want an all-natural testosterone booster then this is definitely one of the leading products on the market and could help you get some hard to reach gains that protein powder alone won't let you reach. If you are in a recovery period, then this would also be a product to consider as the herbal testosterone boosters and support complexes are a nice bridge and will help your body maintain you are at.

James W. Stephens, DO
Categories: Testosterone

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yeh this does look very good, im going to swap this into my post cycle therapy (pct) instead of the daa i think it.
I think there might be some dudes over on muscleresearch that are giving this a shot. I can't wait to hear the feedback