Is Glutamine a worth while supplement??

Do a will likely see a 50/50 split in responses. I've used it off and on, but really didn't get much out of it. My feeling is that the money can be better spent on other supps.

umm...I hope you mean Grams, and not "milligrams".

If you get enough high quality protein, I don't think that extra Glutamine is all that important. Most MRPs have 3-5 grams, etc.

Glutamine is good, Glutamine Peptides is the shit! Glutamine helps with recovery, helps keep your immune system working like a machine...keeps you anabolic and did you know, your brain contains the most Glutamine than anywhere else in your body? IMO, Glutamine is the #1 supplement to get...anyone doing any form training should use it as your body actually cannot get enough Glutamine...

hope this helps...
I have seen "hydrolized wheat gluten" as a source glutamine peptides in some MRPs. Does anyone know if regular wheat gluten is a source of glutamine peptides? I went to the health food store and bought some to use in baking (and also I add to protein shakes) and I'm wondering if there are benefits to it. I know wheat gluten is a sourse of protein, but I'm not sure about it's amino acid profile.

Also, I have noticed that regular suplementing of glutamine, protein, and water helps speed up recovery...
I notice somewhat from it. Use it if youve got the spare cash.
I use 40g/day training and 20g non training days.