is GNC expensive ?

Yes...try looking online for supps...wider availability and much better pricing...

The list goes on...I would suggest staying out of GNC unless you're in a bind...they don't often know what they're talking about...I went in there looking for Taraxatone one day, and when I told the woman why I was looking for it (as a diuretic), she looked at me like I was crazy and said, "I've never heard of it used as that." I turned around and walked out of the store...
try a local health food store or something to that nature, dont get them from your gym either they will rape you blind as well
Vitamin Shoppe is cheaper than GNC if you must buy from a walk-in store, but you're still better off buying from online vendors if you're looking to save monry.
You can find the same stuff online for about 50% of what GNC charges.