Is this a good protein shake?

That is a good protein, definitely overpriced. as is anything from gnc. you could go to or any number of online sites and find other good proteins for like half the price. and as far as age for creatine, there is no legal age. How old are you? i'm assuming if you're at least past puberty it would be ok to use. but that's just my guess.

Im 19 years old,so which protein shake would you recommend thats very good and that will give me alot of protein?
How much are you willing to spend per pound of protein?

My fav is the Isolate Cold-Filtration from TrueProtein.

It's high protein, no fat, no carbs (well maybe 1 g/scoop). Mixes well and doesn't have a after taste. Good in my books!!!
I think true protein has some great choices. Another viable alternative that is cheap with relatively high quality protein is from Optimum Nutrition.
I like the flavor and price of Optimum Nutrition-stick to Chocolate or Chocolate mint some of their other flavors are sickeningly sweet.
Not all GNC products are over priced, But some are... yes..

and if your trying to gain mass, I'd hit a weight gainer. however isolate protien is as refined and pure as it can get.
big-tymer said:
Not all GNC products are over priced, But some are... yes..

and if your trying to gain mass, I'd hit a weight gainer. however isolate protien is as refined and pure as it can get.

Most weight gainers are full of sugar.
I dont like weight gainers...there are some that have really low sugar according to the label. I tried one of those and had the hardest time downing one serving, food works better IMO plus its a lot easier to eat.