Is this diet ok??

If I were you..

I would drop the potatoes for a sweet potato and drop the beans... seems like a lot of the wrong kind of carbs and not enough protein.

Yeah, canned beans have alot of sugar put in with them. Try to incorporate a salad with olive oil/vinegar mix. This will also help you get your EFA's.
Steak is OK once in awile, but have some chicken breast and fish(especially Salmon )
Up your H2O........reduce milk. No carbonated bev's , no juice and no BEER !!:nono::Puke:
pm me a pic of you.. ill give u a bf estimate...

then you need your bmr/tdee

go to the link in my sig.. read through everything, i give u the formula for your bmr/tdee
GOALS EDITED... Just thought id be more specific with what i want to achieve in the next year or two :)

age 24
weight 222lbs
height 6ft3
bf - 20%
bmr/tdee - 2113 / 3276.24
goals - To loose fat, but at the same time gain lean muscle and once the fat is maybe down to 10%, bulk up to about 230lbs - 240lbs.

Speak Soon! i appriciate the help :)
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Well u need to revamp ur diet. Cuz with what u got going on right now will increase bf. I'm on vacation and using an iPhone so I can't exactly get into detAil on what I believe u should change but I'll get back to u within the end of the day pacific time
Well u need to revamp ur diet. Cuz with what u got going on right now will increase bf. I'm on vacation and using an iPhone so I can't exactly get into detAil on what I believe u should change but I'll get back to u within the end of the day pacific time

No problem! i dont mind waiting untill you back from vacation! dont want you to go out of your way!

speak whenever you get time!

thanks alot! :)
If you are cutting, no yogurt, no chips, no fruits, try and stay away from beefs and stick with chicken/fish(salmon is best), pasta is a no, egg whites are fine, your vegetables should be green, peas are hardly vegetables...try broccoli.
If you are cutting, no yogurt, no chips, no fruits, try and stay away from beefs and stick with chicken/fish(salmon is best), pasta is a no, egg whites are fine, your vegetables should be green, peas are hardly vegetables...try broccoli.

right thanks very much for that! makes sense what your saying.

going to be hard eating no pasta, me and the mrs have 2-3 meals a week for dinner with it in...home made pasta/spaggetti bolanase, lasagne etc

well if it has to be done it will have to be done :)
Yeah, it's not too bad. I LOVE PASTA/CARBS, trust me...I am currently doing a keto diet and I can't wait till my refeed days!