I've Cut Carbs totally


New member
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the site and i'm seeking advise.

I been weight training for around 20 weeks now and have seen great reasults with muscle increase. But I'm well over weight with body fat in the range of 28-30%. So I've decided to cut carbs for my diet, almost totally, to try and get rid of the unwanted fat. I have my first training session tonight with out my carb energy and i'm a bit worried about how I'll be.

Should I be doing this? or am I doing correct?
Not a good idea at all....bro, seriously...you need carbs in your diet.

1. decide what caloric intake should be (maybe start with bodyweight x 12-15)

2. 40% cals from pro, 40% from GOOD CLEAN COMPLEX CARBS, and 20% healthy fats

3. Divide over 6 meals a day spaced out 3-3.5 hour apart.

Start there...dropping carbs entirely is a bad idea, not to mention you will be miserable.

It all boils down to food choices and having your calories in check CONSISTENTLY day in and day out.

Good luck----any questions, ask away.

im sorry, but toolifter is simply wrong. cutting your carbs is a fantastic way to lose weight. granted, i do think that you could lose alot more weight with carbs and use a keto diet later down the road as a last resort. you dont feel very good going through ketosis but once you are over the hump, you're fine. read up on keto diets like ragnar suggested.
I'm in agreement carb depleting is one thing but totally cutting it is just going to be unhealthy. That said Crb energy drinks are great if your cycling or marathon runner. You should get enough carbs from your protein shake. Atkins works but south beach is more sustainable.higher protein higher fiber and lower carbs will help. When you eat is more important than what you eat. Low fat is the enemy. It eliminate Essential fatty acids that help take the weight off and essential for a health metabolism.
get like 60 grams of carbs into you maybe like 45 mins before you workout. then stick to the no carb thing the rest of the time.
30% bf is high. I would try to get rid of atleast 10% asap.
get like 60 grams of carbs into you maybe like 45 mins before you workout. then stick to the no carb thing the rest of the time.
30% bf is high. I would try to get rid of atleast 10% asap.
when reading about a Keto diet, the other important part is the "carb up" very important.

I hope youre doing some cardio as well, itll shed some fat off ya quick
YA bro def read up on the Keto diet, my cousin is on it now and has lost 30 lbs!!! You also carb up once a week once in ketosis.
Many Thanks for all your info,

I get reading about keto, but since my last post i've shed 5lb. After my first workout with no carbs, I felt i needed some, so I went to the shop and brought a Protien / Carb Mix shake which worked well. So I think I'll stick with that for now (having carbs stright after the workout) and stick to protien the rest of the time.
Iv'e shed 50 lbs. in the past year or so, I believe it's about calories more than carbs or protein. Keep protein levels high to maintain musce, eat a little less carbs, but you really don't need to get crazy.

Burn as many calories as you can and eat about 500 calories less than you burn. I was 225 for about 5 years and decided I was done. I drop to 185 a year ago, I just dropped to 180 at 8% bf. I used to write down every calorie in the begginning to make sure I wasn't eating too much, it's so easy to pile up the calories and not realize it. I'm at the point now that I just know how much I can eat and it's no problem. Also, take your time, I always relax on the budgeting for the weekends and just try not to drink too much or pig out. One thing my trianer told me that always helps when I'm cutting weight, is you want to feel a little hungry, if you don't it's usually a sign that your eating too much, it's a great guide, you just have to work at it.