

Young Champion
This is going to be my weekly log for my (of many) testosterone enanthate cycles. First a little about myself.
I played football all throughout highschool as a defensive end. I decided not to go on to play college ball and instead hit the weights. I started getting serious about bodybuilding at 18 years and asked my brother ,who was a bodybuilder at the time, about steroids. He (my older brother) started taking steroids at 18 and went on to compete at the proffessional level. He told me to wait at least till i was 21 and read up before i considered steroids. I started training hard at 18 and competed in my first show last year at 20. Now im 21 and im ready to take it to the next level.

Bodyfat % * * * *9.67
Lean body weight * *191.51 lbs
lbs of body fat * * *20.49 lbs
Weight * * * * * * * * 212 lbs
Height * * * * * * * *6 ft

Biceps * 16.5 inches
Chest * *43 inches
Thigh 26.5 inches

Weeks 1-12
Testosterone enanthate (Auexis labs) @ 250mg 2x a week

Weeks 12-15

Weeks 15-20
Clomid at 50mg ed

I have arimidex on hand and Ive heard mixed opinions on the dosages. Any help would be appreciated.

My goal is to put on 20-25 lbs for a show next year.

Keep in mind i am still a novice at this and any help would be appreciated.

I only had one picture on hand, more pictures will follow.
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Sidenote ... All pictures will be taken without any pump. Later on I might take some pictures with a pump to record the better pumps that come with test
even for your first time, that is a very low dosage. :worried: .

you look good though. shoot your traps and chest
Haven't been able to post all week
First injection was Tuesday and it was rough. The injection itself wasnt too bad but the pip afterwards was almost unbearable. I've been limping all week. I deserve it for not taking any pip prevention measures (never warmed up the oil, shot it in at the speed of light and went to bed right after). Switched to the quad today (first was in the glute) went well I was able to hit a workout afterwards.
I have not noticed any changes other than putting on 2 lbs which I assume is nothing but water and food. Quick question, are you supposed to be making gains from day one or does that come with all the other effects at around week 5?

Woke up today with some pip. It's not as bad as the pip in my glute it just feels like I was dead legged real bad. It might be a bit rough walking with a sore thigh AND a sore glute. I am a little nervous for legs tommorrow but the blood should help dissipate the test.

One thing that I have noticed so far while on the cycle is I can't stay out of the kitchen. This gets a bit rough with having to sit through 2-3 hour lectures. Ill eat right before class and 20 minutes in I'm hungry again. I've been a bit nauseous since day one but I'm assuming that's just the hunger.

I done pin # 6 Thur. Been alternating glutes. PIP is bad on day two of a pin and is almost gone by the time it takes to inject that side again. It hasn't gotten any better on week 3. Thinking about trying my thighs next time, being virgin muscle might be rough. Wife doing the pinning so she is steady. I think because its Sustanol 350 is why PIP is bad, but not enough that I can't handle. Work through the pain is my motto.
I done pin # 6 Thur. Been alternating glutes. PIP is bad on day two of a pin and is almost gone by the time it takes to inject that side again. It hasn't gotten any better on week 3. Thinking about trying my thighs next time, being virgin muscle might be rough. Wife doing the pinning so she is steady. I think because its Sustanol 350 is why PIP is bad, but not enough that I can't handle. Work through the pain is my motto.

I think the higher concentration of test really affects pip. My test is at 350mg/ml. I'm thinking about buying some sterile oil to cut it down to 250 mg/ml maybe this will help. I also have been getting test flu real bad the day after. (Temperature was 103 this morning)
Hit the legs today and the pain was unbearable. I could barely get out of bed this morning let alone hit some squats. I took 3 ibuprofen and pushed through it.

I weighed in at 216 today so I am up 4 lbs. I don't think I've gained any fat but ill find out next Tuesday with my body fat test.

The quality of my workouts (besides legs) has improved. They haven't been more hardcore or anything like that but I've noticed a lot less lactic acid buildup. When I lifted before I was held back by the burning sensation instead of the actual lift. Now I don't get that burning sensation instead I get a tearing sensation.
I think I have a bit more aggression in the gym but I'm assuming that's all in my head. My next post will be summing up week one on Tuesday and moving into week two.
Ill post all my stats along with a summary of my workouts and the week in general.
