Just how important is protein?


Old Man
I know that protein is definitely a major factor in muscle growth/recovery. But my question is if a normal type bb'er say 200lbs that ran gear but very rarely got his protein intake to say 150g/day, then changed up diet and got protein intake closer to 250-300g/day, would he see that much of a difference in LBM or is that extra 100-150g/day not that big.
maybe, maybe not. I would think it would depend more on total cals. If you look at the old school powerlifting teams from the Russian block i would think they were not getting nearly the amount of protein we would recommend. Personally i would want to run 1g per lb of bodyweight.
150 is not much protein. Your macro breakdown would be so out of whack that you would probably be fat just because to hit your caloric totals your carbs and fats would be very high.

It also depends on the quality of protiens youa re taking in, and the amino breakdown. Duchaine said with quality protein intake you could remain at 1g per pound or just below and still do fine, but most people eat lots of red meat, chicken, fish etc and those are not really do not have a complete amino breakdown.
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But if it might not make much of a difference in LBM by upping up say 100g/day than why do so many people reccomend such high doses of it? I take in a decent amount of protein and was just wondering if upping it for the first time in my life to a much higher/day dose, would i see the rewards of it so to speak?
You aren't going to look like Ron with 150 g of protein, I know women that take more than that.

To me it is important, for the reasons mentioned above.