Juvenon Pill

Miss Muscle

New member
Has anyone heard of the Juvenon pill? It consists of alphalipoic acid and acetyl-l-carnatine. Supposed to be great for brain function!

I'm wondering if anyone has tried it and what they think of it!
I guess i'm having difficulty seeing why it is special?

its just ALA and Acetyl L Carnatine, right?

You can buy those cheaply every where. I guess i've never seen anything great about them though.
You know, I've never tried it, but I'm sure that it works fine. If you want a really good brain formula, I would highly recommend something called "Focus Formula." It actually included ALA in the mix, along with Huperzine A, DHA fish oils, Vinpocetine, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I used it during AP tests back in high school and I tell you, it was like my brain was on speed or something... Ok, maybe not speed, but the stuff worked!