K-1 2004 Burning Results *SPOILER*

Muay Thai Guy

New member
Hiromi Amada Def KIMO (Round 2 KO left hook)
Great Kusatsu Def FABIANO (Round 1 KO)
Mighty Mo Def Hiraku Hori (Ko Round 4)
Montanha Silva Def Yusuke Fujimoto (Round 3 KO)
Petr Vondracek Def Nobu Hayashi (KO Round 1)
Remy Bonjasky Def Tsuyoshi Nakasako (Round 3 ko)
Musashi Def Stefan Gamlin (Round 2 KO)
i thought they would have replayed it on Sunday but WWE was on instead. I hope they replay it tonight cuz I really want to see it!
Oh but erm...thanks for spoiling it for me:D
LOL....just kidding. I read the spoiler on IL first hehehe :D
Bonjasky is the shit. Cro Cop showed him what was up though.