Keyhole ACL Surgery at the end of cycle


New member
Hi this is my first post having crawled these boards for years.

I am hoping that someone may be able to offer me some advice on surgery around the end of cycle.

I ruptured my ACL 3 weeks into my current cycle (500mg Test e) and have been waiting since for an operation.

As I was already 3 weeks into my cycle and had mobility back within around a week I decided to proceed with my cycle as normal. Last Friday was my last pin and I had planned to start PCT (Clomid and Nolvadex) two weeks from then. My problem is I have just been given a surgery date of October 6th.

Having read several forum posts many people report issues with Clomid and Nolvadex and the increase risk of A)Blood clotting B) Slowing down of tissue repair.

I feel like I have 4 options.

1) Continue with the Test e at 250mg a week until I have recovered from surgery.
2) Stop and delay PCT by one week after surgery.
3) Tell my doctor and risk having surgery put back by another 3 months.
4) PCT as normal.

Its a keyhole knee operation i believe i will be under general anaesthetic for around 1 hour.

Any advice, experience or help is greatly appreciated.
Being on steroids will thin your blood which is not a good when having your having surgery. I'd quit or tell your doc to ensure nothing bad happens.
i had a total of 3 operations while on cycle you'll be ok, but come off. also as stated above i would probably tell the surgeon what youre doing, off the record.

during my military service i was hospitalized and on antibiotics for 14 days and had my hand operated on twice due to a severe infection and a torn tendon.

as soon as i was put in the hospital i came off because i figured i would be out of the gym for the next 2 months at very least, let alone done with my military service.

your best bet is to come off properly now, and continue properly when you fully recover. be well
I think it depends on what type of healing you are talking about, bone vs. tendons, ligaments, etc.

Bone healing is greatly boosted by steroids, test is good, estrogen is even better, deca is good, boldenone is good. In my opinion I would stay on at least a high TRT dose of test, and also cut back on your AI to let your estrogen rise - that will give you faster and stronger bone healing.

For ligaments and tendons boldenone and deca help, as well as test up to a threshold around 200 mg/wk - supposedly not any more than that for test.

I would for sure not mention anything to a doctor, especially if you are in the US. If it goes into your record it will be there forever for anybody to see, including insurance company thugs hired to find reasons to not pay your claims.

That bit above about steroids thinning your blood, never heard of that. Have heard of boosted red blood cells and rising hematocrit on AAS. Seems like the opposite of thinning to me.