Charles Bronson Ive been looking forward to hearing your thoughts. I know my wife and I both like their Kratom. The red vein thai & the bali along with the Maeng Da (i use the MD-not her) primarily, but I nor my wife have had any past experience with it whereas I know you have used it for years. Im really happy to hear you say this about the comparative quality of their products.
It has helped my wife immensely with a pain med dependence. It helps to relax me in the evening (2 scoops red vein thai and 1 bali) and in the am with my coffee I start off with 2 scoops of Maeng Da and it really starts my day off great. Its weird its not like a wired feeling but it definitely wakes me up and improves my focus immensely. It does what all these newer fancy nootropics claim to do but it really works.
You combine these guys awesome service with their high quality product and it is a winner for me. I am not a big supplement guy, Ive written most of them off as garbage, but this one is a winner.
Queefer that free sample you sent out when you did your free sample promo is one of the best things that could have ever happened to me & my family. My wife has her medication situation under control for the first time in months and months and I feel like we have her back man. Thank You.
hey jimi,
man I'm so glad to hear that you and your wife have found this medicine, it really is a blessing for the people who need it.
i don't have any reason to pump up underground supps, the truth is outside. just from talking to john juan and queefer in passing here and there, they're good guys man.. anyone with business sense knows quality sells itself , you don't have to get over on anybody when what you offer is as good as it gets. I've been impressed with every last bit of the powders I've taken from underground.. I'm just a paying customer like everybody else, this is just my honest opinion
hearing about your wife, your experiences man.. really hits home
i had a really severe back injury jimi.. one day I'm a professional prize fighter, the next day my ten yr old daughter has to put on my shoes for me.
i need assistance to sit up in bed to take a drink of water
i went from feeling like superman to being a fucking invalid
the surgery i needed was expensive and risky, with chance of being left incontinent, impotent, or both..
docs put me on pain management. i was in such ridiculous pain all the time - i couldn't sleep until i was completely exhausted , and even then it was never more than a few hours at a time
at first the pain pills were a miracle. i could walk and sit up straight without being hunched over like a 99 year old man
then my tolerance went up. after a few months, i had to take so many of them to get relief that i felt like a fucking zombie.
i tried to cut back and found out really fast - i was a opiate junky. if i didn't have enough opiates in my system it felt like my skin was on fire while someone threw buckets of ice water on me. electricity shooting through my limbs - and all that on top of the agony i had originally been prescribed the meds for.
i had three slipped disc, and a completely desiccated disc ( FLAT, bone on bone) with two vertebrae showing hairline fractures and another vertebrae that was slipped so far out of aligmentment it was putting press on my spinal cord..
another back injury at this point ? i would have been paralyzed.
i was crippled. now i was a drug addict.
it took almost an entire year for the inflammation in my back to go down, for my disc to regenerate, for things to get to a point where i was able to start doing pool exsecises like old people in nursing homes.. then i did pelvic tilts, pushed for crunches - the guy who boxed for two hours a day his whole adult life - was so excited when he was able to start going for walks in the afternoons
i started healing, getting stronger, getting better.
but i still had the 900 lb opiate gorilla on my back.
i started taking nsaids and cutting down on ops... made it back into the gym, really gaining my stride
then a thai i trained with at that the mentioned kratom to me , after wtching me knock back bc powders all day even though id be doubling up from stomach pain taking that shit. i came clean about why i was taking the aspirin, about my addiction
and he brought up kratom again -
" in my country, it is how we heal the people who are sick from opium or heroin"
that information changed my life. really did.
the pain relieving aspect let me stop taking nsaids completely n0 more aspirin fueled stomach ulcers.
the energy from it helped push me through my rehab and workouts
the relief from symptoms of opiate withdrawals.. just gave me my life back.
i hope everybody and anybody who reads this - if you know someone who is struggling, spread the word.
kratom is a wonderful supplement, it is also powerful medicine, something people need to know about
as for where to find it..
I've been taking kratom for a long time, and you can't go wrong with ordering from underground sups.
anyboud have any questions, advice on dosing or extracts.. really, please feel free to pm me
ill help anyway i can