legit sources


New member
i know not to write out sources and ask if they are legitamate, but how would i go about asking someone here about specific sites, and if they know if they are scammers or not?
I agree.
Most website out there are scammers or selective scammers. I would avoid them.
You can drop me a secure email bro.
I'll let you know if Im familiar with them.
Source check, most sites are scams though. Good sources dont need sites, unless there IP.
Alot of reading and asking the right things. It took me awhile, but stick around and look, listen and learn!!!!!! And mods are great for seaking out scammers. Its like, they hear everything, and that good for you and me.....PM me I can give you a few tips on what to look for if you want or just stick it out and learn on your own...its out there.
Easto said:
I would not order steroids off of a webist. Too risky!!!

If you want to find out about a source, ask a MOD via Email (secure).

I 'could' name four sources that are 100% legit/golden that run their business via a website, have great refs and are on other boards as approve sources. What you are saying Easto is not always a given. There are exceptions.

Please don't anyone ask me (meaning DO NOT e-mail or PM me) as to whom those sources are!
pyrros dimas said:
I 'could' name four sources that are 100% legit/golden that run their business via a website, have great refs and are on other boards as approve sources. What you are saying Easto is not always a given. There are exceptions.

Please don't anyone ask me (meaning DO NOT e-mail or PM me) as to whom those sources are!

Yes you are right but its hard for new guys to find these so its almost easer to tell them not to use them(so they dont get scammed) Unless the yhave good info from one of the Mod on this particular source.