Letrozole dosage for Gyno.


SarmsSearch Rep
Hello everyone. About 6 months ago I used a bunk product and it killed my test levels. I did a proper pct with Clomid and Nolvadex. My test levels bounced up to close to the highest reference border(1180). But my estradiol also increased to 70. Which I think caused by the increase in Testosterone. Now I have gyno issue. I will have a certain idea tomorrow when I get blood test. Long story short, I have letrozole and Nolvadex ready. I will start to treat the gyno after I got the blood results. I hear bad side effects from Letrozole. So, how should I dose it? I want to avoid bad sides.

23 years old

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Read the FAQs link in my signature below for more info. Go with Raloxifene or Tamoxifen. Not Letro to treat gyno.
The info Mega is referring to is this:

We know that an Aromatase Inhibitor is a poor choice, and we also learned that SERM's are more effective, safer and with no side effects. Lastly, we learned that while Tamoxifen is effective, it is superseded by the superior SERM; Raloxifene.

Aromatase inhibitors are not selective and will demolish your estradiol levels with prolonged use, rendering you miserable and useless. In the case of Letrozole, you could deplete your E2 levels to nothing in no time. SERMs like Tamoxifen and Raloxifene are pure antagonist in the E receptor in breast tissue. This is what mainly makes a SERM the clinically preferred drug for gynecomastia reversal.


Raloxifene: 60mg daily for 10 days, then 30mg daily util reversed. You should see improvement in approx. 4 to 6 weeks. If you choose to run 60 mg daily until it's gone, do not exceed 60 days.

Tamoxifen: 40mg daily for one week. Then 20mg daily until gynecomastia is reversed.

Both protocols above will take time. This is not a 2 week process. Reversal will require patience. But it most certainly is effective, side-effect-free and cost incredibly effective when compared to surgery.If you're too lazy to follow the links and read... Raloxifene is the superior compound today for reversing gynecomastia. It can be dosed on or off cycle at 60mg daily up to 80mg daily until your gynecomastia is reversed

Using Letro is very old school. It is like using a flame thrower to kill the roaches in your house. Yes, the roaches die, but you burn down your house and have to rebuild it. Ralox and Tamox are like Bug Bombs, they kill the roaches and leave your house intact.
Read the FAQs link in my signature below for more info. Go with Raloxifene or Tamoxifen. Not Letro to treat gyno.

The info Mega is referring to is this:

We know that an Aromatase Inhibitor is a poor choice, and we also learned that SERM's are more effective, safer and with no side effects. Lastly, we learned that while Tamoxifen is effective, it is superseded by the superior SERM; Raloxifene.


Using Letro is very old school. It is like using a flame thrower to kill the roaches in your house. Yes, the roaches die, but you burn down your house and have to rebuild it. Ralox and Tamox are like Bug Bombs, they kill the roaches and leave your house intact.

Thanks for the replies. Just gave a blood sample. I will know it for sure tomorrow and take an action after that. Thanks for the recommendations. I have another question... I am running MK-677 right now. Can I run Ralox and Nolva while on MK-677?
Thanks for the replies. Just gave a blood sample. I will know it for sure tomorrow and take an action after that. Thanks for the recommendations. I have another question... I am running MK-677 right now. Can I run Ralox and Nolva while on MK-677?

The serms will have no adverse effects with mk677 at all.
You got some excellent advice above on how to treat your gyno.
I will say this, it might be a good idea to hold off on thee mk when gyno is in the mix. Considering igf and hgh encourage cell proliferation if you have true gyno thats the last thing you want right now. I might consider treating my gyno first, THEN starting on mk. Just a thought!
The serms will have no adverse effects with mk677 at all.
You got some excellent advice above on how to treat your gyno.
I will say this, it might be a good idea to hold off on thee mk when gyno is in the mix. Considering igf and hgh encourage cell proliferation if you have true gyno thats the last thing you want right now. I might consider treating my gyno first, THEN starting on mk. Just a thought!

Post it as soon as you can so we can have a look.

I will update with test results. If MK-677 does not have adverse effect, should I REALLY stop it when I run Ralox and Nolva? It's been like 4 days so since I started to MK-677 and looking forward to run this for another 8 months or so. Thanks for the replies. The update will come hopefully tomorrow.
I will update with test results. If MK-677 does not have adverse effect, should I REALLY stop it when I run Ralox and Nolva? It's been like 4 days so since I started to MK-677 and looking forward to run this for another 8 months or so. Thanks for the replies. The update will come hopefully tomorrow.

In order to make your mk decision you have to read all of what i wrote and consider it carefully. I didnt say there were no adversse effect, I said no adverse effects with serms.
mk will increase gh and igf, gh and igf increase cell proliferation , ALL cells, typical and atypical. Gyno is atypical cell growth in the breast of a male. You will be counteracting what you are trying to achieve with the serms. Maybe just take a couple week break with the mk while you start your serm therapy, then hop back on the mk.
Thats what I would do and I would strongly encouraage you to consider that as a good, safe and prudent option man.
In order to make your mk decision you have to read all of what i wrote and consider it carefully. I didnt say there were no adversse effect, I said no adverse effects with serms.
mk will increase gh and igf, gh and igf increase cell proliferation , ALL cells, typical and atypical. Gyno is atypical cell growth in the breast of a male. You will be counteracting what you are trying to achieve with the serms. Maybe just take a couple week break with the mk while you start your serm therapy, then hop back on the mk.
Thats what I would do and I would strongly encouraage you to consider that as a good, safe and prudent option man.

Thanks for the advice(s). I will see the results tomorrow and take an action after that.
I heard about all the bad side effects from it. Like joint pains, killing sex drive etc. I wanna be in the safe spot while doing my cycles. So I will go with Ralox and Nolva.

One or the other. Not both. Raloxifene is the preferred choice.
One or the other. Not both. Raloxifene is the preferred choice.

Ok. I'll go with Ralox then. Because I already ran Nolva and still have some leftover. But if only one or other, I will try a new thing and go with Ralox. Thanks for the reply. I'll update with my test results hopefully in this afternoon.
I'm going to throw my 02 cents at this....

I got gyno last year after getting bunk Arimidex...

I decreased the gyno significantly with Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) and was left with a pea sized lump just below the nipple...

I was happy with this as there was no visible signs and I had no discomfort from it.

Fast forward 12 weeks to my contest prep and I used Letro during my final week to crash E2 levels for my show.

1 day after the show I noticed that the lump had disappeared. It can only have been the Letro.

To summarise...

1. I would use Raloxifene first to try and deal with your gyno (I couldn't get Raloxifene, hence opting for Nolvadex).
2. Nolvadex would be option number 2, and there have been many successful gyno reversals using this compound.
3. Letro, worst case scenario - the sides are hideous and someone summarized it perfectly above with the roaches analogy.

If all else fails, surgery looms.
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Thank you all for the replies. Here is the update with the test results.

Estradiol 28.5 (7.6-42.6)

AST(SGOT) 71 HIGH (0-40)

Chloride, Serum 96 LOW (97-108)

Surprisingly, Estradiol showed up in the normal range. I actually have something else to share. I had puffy nipples after the puberty. But it wasn't that visible. Since I started to workout, gain weight/build muscles, It became visible. I thought that might because of the bunk product I took. But it clearly shows that it is from puberty and I will need a surgery to get rid of it. If it's the case, I will put my diet and exercise on spot and save money for the surgery lol

What are your thoughts? Other results are in normal range. I drink beers time to time, but I will run TUDCA for a month to help AST.
Thank you all for the replies. Here is the update with the test results.

Estradiol 28.5 (7.6-42.6)

AST(SGOT) 71 HIGH (0-40)

Chloride, Serum 96 LOW (97-108)

Surprisingly, Estradiol showed up in the normal range. I actually have something else to share. I had puffy nipples after the puberty. But it wasn't that visible. Since I started to workout, gain weight/build muscles, It became visible. I thought that might because of the bunk product I took. But it clearly shows that it is from puberty and I will need a surgery to get rid of it. If it's the case, I will put my diet and exercise on spot and save money for the surgery lol

What are your thoughts? Other results are in normal range. I drink beers time to time, but I will run TUDCA for a month to help AST.
Thanks for sharing!
The info Mega is referring to is this:

We know that an Aromatase Inhibitor is a poor choice, and we also learned that SERM's are more effective, safer and with no side effects. Lastly, we learned that while Tamoxifen is effective, it is superseded by the superior SERM; Raloxifene.


Using Letro is very old school. It is like using a flame thrower to kill the roaches in your house. Yes, the roaches die, but you burn down your house and have to rebuild it. Ralox and Tamox are like Bug Bombs, they kill the roaches and leave your house intact.

Will the Raloxifene protocol mess with my TRT bloodwork?.. i.e... should I do it after the bloodwork?