LG Sciences
I'm fat.

The most powerful and effective performance-enhancing products are developed by LG Sciences, which is why it's no surprise that LG Sciences produces world record breaking athletes.
LG Sciences sponsored athlete, Jeff Johnston took 1st Place in the IPA Worlds Men Pro-class 220lb weight division with a 700lb Bench press!
Jeff's Stack:
Anadraulic State GT
Lipotropic Protein
NO Infuse
Perfect Carb
LG Sciences spokesperson and author, Darilyn Doddy also broke the IPA female bench press strength world record in the 18-19yo teen, 165lb class by pressing 380lbs!
Darilyn's Stack:
Anadraulic State GT
Lipotropic Protein
NO Infuse
LG Sciences sponsored athlete, Al Caslow also holds the all-time world record squat; 876lbs @ 165lbs.
Al's Stack:
Anadraulic State GT
NO Infuse
Lipotropic Protein
Both Jeff and Darilyn represent the Triple X Powerlifting Team out of the Howell Fitness Center in Howell, MI. Al Caslow represents EliteFTS and Big Iron.
Congratulations to these athletes for their tremendous strength, positive attitude, and dominating performance!
Be sure to check out the full line of LG Sciences products at Orbit Nutrition, your home for the best priced and highest quality sports supplements available!
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