Long term effects of young AAS use


New member
Hey guys,
I am almost 21. When I had just turned 19 I made the poor decision to do a 6 week dbol cycle. Back then I had quite a few mental issues and I was very immature. I completely regret the decision but there's no point looking back from where I am. I have been suffering from low t issues (mainly sex drive) but now after blood tests it has come back up to more normal levels (500-600 - although I know this is perhaps slightly low for my age) and my physique since the cycle has vastly improved (more muscular and a lot leaner) and my testicular atrophy has gone. I still have some libido issues but I am pretty sure these are psychological as I occasionally have random spells (probably once every few months) where my libido goes through the roof for a few weeks, usually coinciding with things in my life are going well. I am now going to see a psychosex therapist to try and help this.

My question today is regarding the impact of the cycle of my physical and mental development. I am very concerned that I may have messed things up pretty bad. Does anyone have any input as to whether my cycle would have likely had big long term impacts? Since my cycle I have definitely grown (one sign that some things may have continued normally perhaps?). I know that stunted growth is probably the least of my worries. I accept that I may have to go on TRT when im older, but this is something that I would consider doing anyway for the benefits associated with it.

I know that this is another classic "starting too young story" but as a teenager I was not in a good place (depression, anxiety etc) and I felt like achieving a great physique would change my life. Naive and stupid I know but what happened has happened and I have accepted the consequences.

im a bit confused. Were you saying taking steroids too young will mean I might not look as old now as I would if i didnt juice?

Lmao im fuckin around one of those mornings this is just what popped in my head when i thought long term use. Well first of all im a person that believes hormones can be used safely but it takes alot of learning mainly keeping yourself healthy and controlling bp. As far as your age i know nothing about you but before you ever think of aas you have to be positive its the life you want, will you give up social events as far as drinking and never mess with drugs?

Do you know your way around the gym are you built up mentally and physically f0r this new life? Is this your passion or you just want a quick fix to get laid? Most of us that use stay on for life thats a fact and we love what we do and are willing to take the risk ut as far as i know and believe it can be done safely as long as u monitor everything. You must come into this with some type of muscle base i was fat but i was strong in all departments i lifted natty 7 years and i was ready. You still will have to make many mistakes before figuring your body out and you must know how to eat to gain muscle.
So think about those things before considering it no need to be on trt if this ends up just being a faze you went through and lose interest later.
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Is op asking about cycling too young or is he asking about cycling and long term health risks in general. Both carry their risks, but the long term effects are up for debate.
Is op asking about cycling too young or is he asking about cycling and long term health risks in general. Both carry their risks, but the long term effects are up for debate.

The OP asked about long term effects of cycling when starting too young.
He also described a bunch of psychological effects he's currently going through post-cycle.

Considering my thread provides strong evidence for the increase in psychological effects when starting a cycle too young, due to interference with brain development, I think it would be a good idea for the OP to read it and educate himself :)
Not recommending anyone to stay on or even cycle period but im a firm believer you do more damge cycling on and off pct will fuck alot of peoples heads and just to do it for 3 months if they even last that long then repeat makes no sense