looking for a good cutting cycle


New member
Looking for a good cutting cycle.

here's the gear i have to work with:

EQL Brand:
3x 30cc Prop(100mg/ml)
1x 30cc Tren/prop
1x 10cc EQ(400mg/ml)

QV Brand:
2x 10cc EQ(200mg/ml)
1x 50cc Enan(250mg/ml)

i can get Winstrol (winny), but its kinda pricey:mad:

i can also get any of the EQL & QV, the ones listed before, i have at my house now.

5'11, 200lbs, i would guess around 15% body fat, give or take

Previous cycle: just 8 weeks of deca200 :mad:
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Jay, I really hate to do this to you, but it seems that no one can get through to you regarding this. I have linked to three of your previous threads & taken quotes from different Mods in each thread. I for one have tried to stress to you the importance of education regarding AAS, but after seeing your pics yesterday in the last link here, I have really got to agree with "thefantom1", you need more than just education.

Please read over this advice you were given one more time !!!


Originally posted by LAWNSAVER
I am taking it is your first cycle! I think you must do a lot more research on this subject!


Originally posted by StoneColdNTO
Bro, I remember your posts from the FG, you are very young(18),and have a lot of learning to do before you take this step.
Why are you in such a hurry to continue with things that could potentially screw up up if you are unsure of what you are doing.
You were taking Deca before and you didn't even know how many mg/ml your concentration was, correct? ........Yes I know so.

Please don't take this as a flame bro, but you have really got to chill with this idea of yours to jump into this, until you have a much broader knowledge of AAS, as well as training, diet, etc.

Please continue on with your journey to achieve these goals here........., read...., read...., read some more and ask questions about things you are unsure of.

Just slow 'er down a little, you have many, many years to enjoy this lifestyle ahead of you.


Originally posted by thefantom1
Jay.... Im going to be blunt with you... from the way you look right now you should not even consider using anabolics.. you really don't look like you have even trained... anabolics are to help you get over a sticking point...not a magic shot or pill to get you big... I think you should get into the gym for at least a year longer...a year of serious hard core training... and then maybe consider the anabolics.. they are not a quick fix or a fix for lack of training.. trust me... leave the anabolics alone..

WALLY said:
your bodyfat is no where near 15% your probably closer to 25%

I defintily agree, there is NO WAY you are under 20%.

By your pics it is obvious you need help with training and diet........pay your dues then turn to juice.