Low & High Calorie Whey

B bOy CrAyOn

Learning the Ways
i would like to do a clean bulk while i can still progress to get abs and also increase in size if that even makes any sense.. well anyways thats my plan
right now im using a 55 gram of protien and 260 calories Procomplex protien whey 2 times a day. In the morning and after the gym... would it be a good or bad idea to use the low calorie protien in the morning and a high calorie whey like Cytogainer after the gym around 5 pm. to start adding some size or will that just fatten me up?
oh and will walking at 3.5 on a treadmill for 1 hour in the morning on a empty stomach be enough cardio to get my bottom 4 abs to show ?
well im just wondering cuzz someone had posted about walking for an hour but they said its enough to keep fat off... i was wondering if its enough to burn some off... and as far as the low and high calorie it seems like im eating a shit load of protien but maybe not enough calories cuzz im not gaining weight but i wanna be able to gain weight and keep abs
so should i throw in a high calorie whey like cytogainer in to my diet and if so would it be better to use it in the morning or after the gym in the evening.
or should i just continue using the low calorie whey two times a day

do i post stupid questions or somthing all the time ?
i dont post shit up just for fun or anything, theyre real questions i have, too bad you think they are dumb
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they are not dumb questions, just reptetitive. they are also contradictory. you say that you want to "gain weight" and at the same time get your "bottom 4 abs to show".

judging by your last post, im going to assume that you want to gain lean weight with as little fat possible (which is the goal of 99% of every male on the planet).

walking in the morning before a meal is perfectly fine for keeping bodyfat under control. you could also do interval sprints, orhigher intensity cardio later in the day, it really doesnt make any huge difference.

you can eat all the protein in the world, but without adequate carbs and fats, youre not going to accomplish much.

if you want to gain weight, youre most likely going to have to accept some amount of bodyfat gain over time. even the most optimal caloric surplus isnt going to be used 100% for muscle growth, some is going to be stored as fat. what you want to do is eat enough calories so that youre gaining about a pound about every two weeks. any more weight gain in that time frame will undoubtedly be fat, because muscle growth can only happen so fast. eating more and more doesnt speed up the process.

the best times for cytogainer would be breakfast and post workout.

whether you should use cytogainer or plain whey depends on the rest of your diet. if youre using whey now, and not gaining weight, then yes, use the cytogainer. if youre alreay gaining weight at a slow and steady rate, then continue what youre doing.
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