B bOy CrAyOn
Learning the Ways
i would like to do a clean bulk while i can still progress to get abs and also increase in size if that even makes any sense.. well anyways thats my plan
right now im using a 55 gram of protien and 260 calories Procomplex protien whey 2 times a day. In the morning and after the gym... would it be a good or bad idea to use the low calorie protien in the morning and a high calorie whey like Cytogainer after the gym around 5 pm. to start adding some size or will that just fatten me up?
right now im using a 55 gram of protien and 260 calories Procomplex protien whey 2 times a day. In the morning and after the gym... would it be a good or bad idea to use the low calorie protien in the morning and a high calorie whey like Cytogainer after the gym around 5 pm. to start adding some size or will that just fatten me up?