low test levels 5 weeks after post cycle therapy (pct) help!!!


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low test levels 5 weeks after PCT help!!!

I did a 10 week cycle, which was my 3rd cycle, 1st on tren of

Weeks 1-8 - Test E/750/wk
Weeks 5-10 Tren A 140mg/EOD
Weeks 1-4 Winstrol (winny) 50mg/ED
Weeks 7-10 - Winstrol (winny) 50mg/ED

PCT was:

Week1: Nolvadex 40Mg/day
week 2: Nolvadex 40Mg/day
week 3: Nolvadex 20Mg/day
week 4: Nolvadex 20Mg/day

Day 1 250 mg clomid
day2-11 150 mg clomid
Days 12-21 100 mg clomid
Days 21-28 50mg clomid

Its now 5 weeks since i finish post cycle therapy (pct) and a was hoping to be in a better position now than I am as I was hoping to start another cycle in 3 or 4 weeks, which isn't looking like its gonna happen. Usually even straight after cycling I dont feel any different other than smaller balls and have never struggled with libido or getting wood.

This time around in the first 2 or so weeks of the PCT, i was really struggling, getting it on with our lass a week after cycle i had nothing during foreplay, it was only our lass putting it in her mouth that did the trick bless her!!!!

Now at 5 weeks after post cycle therapy (pct) libido is running high ish again and I'm back to getting erections on touch again, but usually 90% of the time i got to sleep with a 'lob on' and wake up with morning wood also!! I'm from England so i think blood test EtC are harder to come by this side of the pound, just wanted to know if a smaller second lower dosed PCT, like the one below would help kick things or can that do more long term damage than any good, or weather it was just a matter of waiting around??????

Second PCT

clomid 50 mg ed week 1-3
nolva 20mg ed weeks 1-3
you need to get blood test, dont know if running more post cycle therapy (pct) is the answer at all
yes sir u have to wait.. sometimes it takes time to recover... and it doesnt mean that ur time off was = ur time on that u should recvor fast in ur time off.. its really different from one to another... so just wait and give ur body the rest .. good luck did u use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ????
Just give it some time.

Likely that you had elevated estro or prolactin and I didn't see any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or dopamine agonist use. You can run a full post cycle therapy (pct) and still have high estro and negative feed back keeping t low.

Also tren lowers TSH which increases prolactin

Give it some time. Sounds like you are recovering and no reason to mess with that. Next time use an AI.
yo sorry man forgot to mention ran liquid anastrozole from a research lab, 0.5mg EOD though not sure of it effectiveness, got some tabs this time round from legit pharma

Didnt use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as I believe you need to store in fridge???? got 2 young kids, which dont really need to be discussing daddy doing steroids with there friends

Alright boys sound advice i'll leave it, whats the best reason to give a doctor for a blood test? dont really want steroid user going on my medical record, from England so our doctors dont feel as obliged to do anything for you on the state service.

I'll see how i get on gonna leave cycle till new year I think now,

How long do you guys wait feeling ''normal'', morning wood etc till you start another cycle???
yo sorry man forgot to mention ran liquid anastrozole from a research lab, 0.5mg EOD though not sure of it effectiveness, got some tabs this time round from legit pharma

Didnt use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as I believe you need to store in fridge???? got 2 young kids, which dont really need to be discussing daddy doing steroids with there friends

Alright boys sound advice i'll leave it, whats the best reason to give a doctor for a blood test? dont really want steroid user going on my medical record, from England so our doctors dont feel as obliged to do anything for you on the state service.

I'll see how i get on gonna leave cycle till new year I think now,

How long do you guys wait feeling ''normal'', morning wood etc till you start another cycle???

u almost there just wait a lil its really different form one to another ... just next time use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and AI.....
Just tell the doc you are having symptoms of low T. Don't tell the doc about use. Going based off feeling is not good. I know guys who felt good and got bloods showing they really weren't even close to recovered.
alright Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is on board this time round in pill form. I'm off to the doc's i'll post results on here, gear arrived this morning for next cycle so like a kid at christmas all i wanna do is stick these foreign liquids in my arse!?!

Next cycle will be a cut / lean mass.... Not greatly concerned with adding loads of mass just cutting BF% and hopefully gaining a little muscle

week 1-11- Test p 75mg ED
week 1 -11 – Tren A 75mg ED
Days 5-11 anavar 70mg ED

T-3 25 or 50mgs through out

Days 35 -38 25mgs, Days 39-43 50mgs, days 44-70 50-75 mgs, days 70-74 25mgs days 75-78, 12.5 mgs

Armidex .5mg EOD weeks 1 -11

not 100% on t3, i'll see how i get on running at 25mgs daily up to 50 if need, only run any extra if i feel i need a push

age 29
6ft 7
20% BF
next time run the tren at the front of the cycle so that its completely cleared out before post cycle therapy (pct) . why put the substance with the worst rep on hard recovery at the end of your cycle ?
DAWG you read my mind I was wondering why you would not run the tren at the beginning? and stop 2 wks before you dropped the test?
Run low dose HCG throughout your next cycle.

By a $25 little tiny walmart mini fridge. You can fit two cokes in them plus your HCG.

Or put your HCG in the vegetable crisper, kids dont look there.
sometimes it takes time to recover... and it doesnt mean that ur time off was = ur time on that u should recvor fast in ur time off.. its really different from one to another... so just wait and give ur body the rest.
sometimes it just takes time more to recover, as issues with sides may have hamperred your recovery and it doesnt mean that you time off. ur time on that u should recvor fast in your time off.. its really different from one to another. so just wait and give your body the rest .. and good luck did you use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)?
You didn't say, or perhaps I missed it, how many days you waited after your last shot of Test E to start the PCT.

At 750 per week it had better have been at least four weeks off, then start PCT. If you jumped right into it then you'd still have levels too high during PCT to get any good out of it. And four weeks for PCT is a bit on the scant side. You'd be better off using the same amount of nolva and clomid, but spread it over six weeks.

I heard what you said about HCG and the kiddos, but in my opinion it's not optional

And the Tren part is just seriously asking for trouble with your HPTA. If you plan to recover, and value your penis, you might want to think about other options