Low test, low sex drive, low chance of happiness?


New member
I posted this on the anabolic steroids forum but just realised it might be better off here....hoping someone can shed some light for me!
Hi guys, I am a bodybuilder's wife needing some guidance and advice as we have got to a cross roads and now have no idea which way to turn next!
My other half did a body building comp in June, and has not taken any gear since. I know he was taking Clomid for a while when he finished the comp. We have been trying to have a baby on and off for the last few years, and through a routine docs appt my husband's doc recommended that he go and get an ultrasound on his balls as they looked a bit small (no surprise there!)
Anyway, to cut the long story short, after these tests and a few others, we have been told he has no sperm. Not a single one. He has been tested to see if it is a genetic problem which thankfully came back neg. So the doc thinks it is almost certainly the steroids he has used on and off over the last eight years or so. However, the doc says he needs to just wait now and see if he starts producing again. We are booked for a second sperm analysis in November. In the meantime, hubby is miserable, losing size rapidly, has NO sex drive (not like him at all) and is generally totally fed up. His testosterone levels were tested and came back super low, but the doc said he couldnt do anything for him! We we unhappy with this and went to another doc for a second opinion, but she put him on sustenon - now, if it's the steroids that got us in this situation in the first place, I'm pretty sure that taking more is going to only add to the issue. :sulk: His knowledgeable gym buddies are saying he should go down the pregnyl route, I've been trying to research it but to be honest am now just way out of my depth! Would really appreciate some ideas or experiences from all you guys - I've been on a few of the fertility websites but its mostly all from a girl's point of view.
Thanks in advance :angel2:
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Tough one, I'll just tell you what I would do in his shoes. He may need to see and endocrinologist, but some of those don't understand steroid users very well. I would like to see where his estrogen levels and prolactin levels look like. He might never recover his natural test production but he could try. He might have to go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) the rest of his life but some guys make babies on TRT. I would say run the sustenon to get his libido back for 2-3 months. He might need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aromatase inhibitor) such as Extremestane aka aromasin while running the sus to keep his estrogen in check. Lots of guys have kids while taking test. While running the cycle inject subQ HCG(pregnyl) 250 iu ev 4 days, and double the dose of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) the last couple shots and then cease Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Sus at the same time. If his nuts are not back to full size in a month of starting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) increase the dose of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to 500iu ev 4 days. About 20 days after his last shot of sus he should start post cycle therapy (pct). Since clomid did not work, I would recommend this for post cycle therapy (pct).
Wk1 Toremifene Citrate 120mg daily
Wk2 Toremifene Citrate 90mg daily
Wk3 Toremifene citrate 60mg daily
Wk4 Toremifene citrate 60mg daily

if this post cycle therapy (pct) fails then he will likely need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) forever and may or may not produce sperm on TRT. If he doesn't have any kids, he might have been infertile to begin with.

this site has sponsors that sell everything he needs or he can go through his doctor
I posted this on the anabolic steroids forum but just realised it might be better off here....hoping someone can shed some light for me!

I responded over on the AS board. I'm glad to see that you posted it here as well.

Is there a doctor in the house?!

Hi Poly thanks so much for your response on the other board! I am posting the info here in answer to your questions:
1)How old are you guys?
Me - 28
Hubby - 29
Yes we have time on our side but have been trying on and off for a few years now so pretty ready for some answers or action!

2)Do you have any other children? No. Any previous pregnancies? No.

3)Have you both been screened by a qualified fertility specialist? I have been given a basic check/ultrasounds etc, all fine as far as we know. Hubby has had these latest tests which have revealed no genetic issues, normal FSH levels, v low test.

4)How long has your husband been off cycle? What compounds was he using?
His first cycle this year he was on stana, deca, EQ and cyp (not sure of spellings sorry!) for 10 weeks. He had 10 weeks off, then did the same again without the EQ for another 10 weeks. He finished all but the stana about 12 weeks ago. He carried on taking the stana for another 3 weeks. He was also taking clembuterol. I know he was on clomid when he finished but I think he only took it for about 2-3 weeks.

1badmofo thanks so much for your post...I will rpint and give it to him and see how we go!
Grateful to anyone who can impart any wisdom for me x
Many thanks ;)
So he just got off cycle 12 weeks ago? And he ran clomid for 3 weeks? So he has been off for 9 weeks? Am I reading this correct?
Hollipop, if his sperm is zero I would not recommend trying to father a child as the child if formed will be weak. How is he doing on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? Did he always have small balls?
I'm not sure what sort of data there is on what effects long-term steroid use has when passing on genes or if you could even tell. If he is that miserable & doesn't have a single sperm after another month or so, he should just do 1 of two things.

1). Get back on Testosterone injections so he is at a healthy range. In the end his *long-term* emotional health is more important than the potential to produce babies. I say long term because he has 0 sperm, which seems to show that he isn't recovering(shouldn't there be at least 1 of them floating around!!).

2) Attempt to restart the system. I'm not sure the protocols, but maybe combining several over the counter products(ZMA, Test-Boosters, sure they aren't dramatic but they usually raise most peoples levels a little bit) with clomid, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), nolvadex or whatever he needs.

Or he could just get on testosterone and while you both decide what is more important. You could adopt, get a donor(if it must be your own genes to be satisfied). My advice isn't specifically male or female, due to my sister having psychological issues from hormones after childbirth.
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