M1T imput


New member
Hi all, I have a bottle of M1T, have done a lot of reading on it & I guess I'm just looking for real time feedback or advice on the product. Do I start the post cycle therapy (pct) the last few day of my cycle or start immediately following the cycle? Can I wait to see if I have any sides to see if I infact need a PCT? I was gonna use 10mg per day only & for 2 weeks. Was thinking about using it EOD for a while then ED for a few days then go back to EOD. Is there any logic to this? Or is straight dosing ED best. And at this dose how likely will there be serious sides, like Total Shut down, Gyno etc..?

Thanks in advance,

Anybody willing to help out? I've read a ton of info on it but have a few questions if you guys don't mind (see OP)
Well good night all, maybe tomorrow they'll be some responses. lol.

Nope, no responses. I'd like to get some real time answers. about the Every other day cycle and about if I should run Nolva during the cycle to help minimize sides then just continue the Nolva on the post cycle therapy (pct). If YES, then doing 20mgs of it 'on'...then the start of the PCT, do I jump it to 40mgs for a couple of weeks, then back down to 20 till I'm done?

Hi all, I have a bottle of M1T, have done a lot of reading on it & I guess I'm just looking for real time feedback or advice on the product. Do I start the post cycle therapy (pct) the last few day of my cycle or start immediately following the cycle? Can I wait to see if I have any sides to see if I infact need a PCT? I was gonna use 10mg per day only & for 2 weeks. Was thinking about using it EOD for a while then ED for a few days then go back to EOD. Is there any logic to this? Or is straight dosing ED best. And at this dose how likely will there be serious sides, like Total Shut down, Gyno etc..?

Thanks in advance,


Just run it every day for two weeks and do a post cycle therapy (pct) the day after your last dose
Just run it every day for two weeks and do a post cycle therapy (pct) the day after your last dose

Thanks for the reply. Its sound advice. Sides should be minimal you feel? Everyone is different I understand that so it's hard to say. But if one was more of a cautious user could he take the Nolva through out the cycle and continue it as a PCT? I can't find any answers on this.