M1t & Tribosten for pct


New member
Good Afternoon all.

I am a long time lurker first time poster to this forum. I just wanted to see what you all thought about Tribosten (made by Thermolife) for post cycle therapy (pct) after a 10-15mg M1t cycle.

My intensions are to go, 2 weeks on, two weeks off, then two weeks on again. With the first half of the cycle being @ 10mg (ed) and the second being @ 15mg.

My other question is, what to you all suggest I do as far as the off weeks are concerned. Should I run some sort of post cycle therapy (pct) for the two off weeks, and then again after the second half of the cycle? Or Should I stack the M1t with something like Sauce, and just keep that running right through the off weeks, and only worry about post cycle therapy (pct) after the entire cycle is completed.

I also plan on taking milk thistle throughout the entire six weeks, as well as in my post cycle therapy (pct).

Any input is apriciated.
Tribosten isn't going to cut it.

Every recommendation on M1T has been for clomid or nolva as pct, and there is a reason for this.
Well although Nolva is allot harder for me to come by, im sure I can get my hands on some. Im just trying to find a simpler path that may be just as effective.

Have you used M1t yet? All the reviews that Ive heard so far have been good. (For the most part). I have used oral otc gear in the past and have had good results. So im gonna give this a shot, I just want to do a little homework first.
Go with Nolva, period. Dont expect miracles with M1T, however it is a strong and very fast acting compound. Many people such as myself have complained about the lethargy and a general "toxic" or ill feeling associated with M1T. It has strong sides so dont be fooled.
If you want something OTC for PCT, go with 6OXO, but it is still not strong enough to recover and you WILL lose more gains than if you were to go with Nolva.
I think im gonna go with Nolva based on the research of done over the last few days. It seems to be the best bet.

Thanks for the input. What are your thoughts on my mid-cycle off weeks. (Im doing 2weeks on, 2 weeks off, 2 weeks on) Im thinking it would be better for the end result if I stacked the M1T with something like "Sauce 4t", and just keep that going through the entire 6 weeks, if I can. Then run the Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) after the entire cycle is complete.

As opposed to doing just the M1T by itself, and having nothing, (or doing post cycle therapy (pct)) for the two middle weeks that im off.