Maintenance cycle - testosterone dosage


New member
Hallo everybody,
I am about to start a simple maintenance pre summer cycle:
w 1-8 test e 250 mg / week
w 3-8 anavar 50 mg a day

4 cycle done in the past, only bulking (test/deca, test/dbol)

my goal is to maintain and solidify the mass or take 2/3 kg very solid maximum.
do you think the dose of testosterne is sufficient or should I bring it to 500 mg / week?
I don't know yet, I will do my blood test in a few days... last time 6 ng (range 2-10)
Age 33
weight 84 kg
height 1.84 m
body fat about 12%
Hallo everybody,
I am about to start a simple maintenance pre summer cycle:
w 1-8 test e 250 mg / week
w 3-8 anavar 50 mg a day

4 cycle done in the past, only bulking (test/deca, test/dbol)

my goal is to maintain and solidify the mass or take 2/3 kg very solid maximum.
do you think the dose of testosterne is sufficient or should I bring it to 500 mg / week?

Are you saying pre summer cycle because you intend to run another cycle after this? I don't like the concept too much, but if you go through with hitting your hpta twice in a row with a cycle you may be shut down for life. Was your gameplan to come off after this "pre cycle" and summer cycle?
No tury you do not understand me .. "pre summer cycle" I mean cycle before summer season.
The next cycle will be in the winter, in total I run two cycle per year and take off for minimum 3 months between.
No tury you do not understand me .. "pre summer cycle" I mean cycle before summer season.
The next cycle will be in the winter, in total I run two cycle per year and take off for minimum 3 months between.

Oh ok. You need to up that test dosage to at least 500 mg. You will not bloat up and gain fat if you are able to control your estradiol using an aromatase inhibitor. Some people may say that var dosage is low, but if it is good var then I believe you have a good dosage at 50mg. For the number of cycles you have done you seem a bit light. It is hard (near impossible) to keep gains from one cycle to the next. Good luck pal.
8 weeks of test E isn't a good idea

Just when the enan would start working U ll be off .. Doesn't seem like a good idea

If u determined on the (8 week) length u ll get better chance with test p.. And even with prop ester, 8 weeks isn't that great imo
ok.. yes sure I usually use a-dex 0.5 mg every other day throgout entire cycle.. for me this is the first time I use var, so that I think 50 mg will be enough for this time!
I agree with you that it is near impossible to maintain the gains after one cycle, but with dedication I can always keep a bit of gains.
Thanks good luck to you.
8 weeks of test E isn't a good idea

Just when the enan would start working U ll be off .. Doesn't seem like a good idea

If u determined on the (8 week) length u ll get better chance with test p.. And even with prop ester, 8 weeks isn't that great imo

^^^^^^This X 100. I don't know why I thought you had posted test p in the first place.
8 weeks of test E isn't a good idea

Just when the enan would start working U ll be off .. Doesn't seem like a good idea

If u determined on the (8 week) length u ll get better chance with test p.. And even with prop ester, 8 weeks isn't that great imo

I know that test p could be better, but I prefer test e because of more stable level and less inject... also in every cycle I run, test e kick in around week 4 and reaches the peack effect within week 6 and no gain over... so 8 week for a maintenance is enough for me.
Maybe you are referring to decanoate esters or longer.
I know that test p could be better, but I prefer test e because of more stable level and less inject... also in every cycle I run, test e kick in around week 4 and reaches the peack effect within week 6 and no gain over... so 8 week for a maintenance is enough for me.
Maybe you are referring to decanoate esters or longer.

Lol I'm referring to test e not deconate ..
Anyways , I told you what I think , it's ur call .. I know that I ll never run test e less than 12 weeks but suit urself ..